Choose one Particular Aspect of Culture in Relation to International Marketing, or Approach the subject in a Broad Fashion: Cross-Cultural Communication and International Marketing Assignment, UoN, Singapore

University The University of Newcastle (UoN)
Subject Cross-Cultural Communication and International Marketing

Influence of Culture on International Marketing

  • You may choose to focus on one particular aspect of culture in relation to international marketing or approach the subject in a broad fashion.
  • With increasing globalization, does culture in international marketing matter?
  • The impact of culture on successfully conducting business internationally has grown in recognition over time, but equally the world in which we live is converging in the era of globalisation.
  • Write a 1,000-word discussion paper highlighting the importance of culture in international marketing. Exceeding the maximum word limit by more than 10% will be penalised.
  • your response should use current academic literature (at least 5 articles) and theory to support your answer, as well as practical examples.

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The element of culture 1

The element of culture 2

The element of culture 3

List of the element of culture to choose from:

  1. Material elements
  2. Religion
  3. Social institution
  4. Aesthetics
  5. Values and attitudes
  6. Manners and customs
  7. Education
  8. Language

Some useful journals
“The Changing Nature Of Global Marketing: A New Perspective”. = the year 2018

“Making Languages Marketable: An Analysis of a Promotional Brochure for Prospective Students in an Australian Tertiary Institution.” = the year 2018

Materialism, consumerism, and religion: A Buddhist Vision for Choudhury, Koushiki. 2019.

“Materialism, Consumerism, And Religion: A Buddhist Vision For Nonprofit Marketing”. = the year 2019 ”

Cross-Cultural Research in International Marketing: Clearing Up some of the Confusion.” = the year 2015

“Religion-Motivated Enterprises In The Marketplace: A Macromarketing Inquiry”. = the year 2016

“A Case Study of the Application of the Kenyan “Sheng” Language in Marketing.” = the year 2019

“Revisiting Cultures’ Consequences In International Marketing Studies”. = the year 2018

“Translation Criteria: How They May Affect International Business.” = the year 2015 ”

Culture, Tradition and Globalisation: Some Philosophical Questions.” = the year 2016 ”

Global marketing translation and localization for French-speaking countries? = the year 2019

Lost in translation? The effect of cultural values on mergers around the world.” = the year 2015

“The role of religion in businesses from a three-dimensional perspective–entrepreneurship, marketing and organizational management.” = the year 2016

The Role Of Culture In International Relationship Marketing—the year 2014

The State Of Globalization In 2019, And What It Means For Strategists—the year 2019

“The application of the technology acceptance model under different cultural contexts: The case of online shopping adoption.” — the year 2014

“The Relative Advantage of Marketing Over Technological Capabilities in Influencing New Product Performance: The Moderating Role of Country Institutions.” — the year 2016

“Understanding factors influencing consumer attitudes toward cause-related marketing.” — the year 2015

When marketing strategy meets culture: the role of culture in product evaluations. — the year 2018

The Complexity of Context: A Service Ecosystems Approach for International Marketing — the year 2013

Proactive learning culture: A dynamic capability and key success factor for SMEs entering foreign markets — the year 2014

When culture shapes international business—the year 2015

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