CO3355: Write GLSL shaders and the accompanying Processing code to implement: Advanced graphics and animation Course Work, UOL, Singapore

University University of London (UOL)
Subject CO3355: Advanced Graphics and Animation

Question 1

Write GLSL shaders and the accompanying Processing code to implement the first, Phong [1] and second, Blinn-Phong [2] shading models. Make sure you cater for ambient and diffuse together with specular reflection and make all model parameters adjustable by the user. Enable camera navigation and incorporate a point light. Experiment by modifying the parameters of each model and demonstrate the outcome on different shapes. Discuss and evaluate the results.

Question 2

Extending your code from Question 11 add a second light to your scene and explore how you can combine the effects of multiple lights in each shading model. Make the position of both lights change smoothly over time. Demonstrate the outcome and discuss the results.

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