University | PSB Academy (PSB) |
Subject | Database Design and Modeling |
In this assignment student will demonstrate their understanding in relational database design and modeling by completing a project assigned. Students will also demonstrate their skills in implementing the design database and perform data entries, date retrieval and data manipulation using with Structured Query Language (SQL).
Project: Database Design for Human Resource – Project Management
You’re appointed as Database administrator to Harvest consulting. Your first assignment is to advise your client on how to manage human resources for projects. Your ideas to include how to analyze the logical database design, physical data model, establish relationship, create tables, and manipulate records using Data definition and data manipulation language
You and your team are highly advised to conduct some research and to get better understanding on human resource data in relation to project management. You may refer to advised reference books in the course and internet resources.
Below is the Project Management Report, which describes projects being worked upon by employees.
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Task 1 – Convert the Report from un-normal form into third normal form. Provide appropriate name for each Entities and attributes. Find the primary, Foreign and composite keys. 15 Marks
- Find Un-Normalized form data
- Convert un-normalized set to 1NF
- 1NF to 2NF
- 2NF to 3NF
- In between the process of normalization find out Primary, foreign and Composite keys.
- Discuss the steps of normalization while carrying each NFs.
- Use appropriate tool to do the task
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Task 2
1) Key in appropriate records for all the tables. (Sample, take from the project report given and add further meaningful records in the derived tables. Note: Minimum 20 records in Employee table and other tables any number of records)
2) Display Employee Name belongs to department either IT or Finance
3) Count No of Employees whose Hourly rate above 50
4) Find employee names starts with ‘S’
5) Display Department Name and Sum of Hourly Rate for each Department.
Sample Output:
- Department Name
- Total Hourly Rate
- Finance
- $125
- HR
- $110
- IT
- $175
6) Display department name with Number of employees less than 5 Numbers
7) Display Employee name and Department name, who has maximum and minimum salary
8) Display No of employees, Department name in each department.
9) Create a procedure to display Employee Name and Department Name whose Hourly rate is above 100.
10) Demonstration of Task1 and Task 2 for 5 minutes by Lesson 9/ Lesson 10 in class.
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