ECE372 Early Childhood Learning Plan – Process Drama & Music Activities, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject ECE372 Musicking Moving and Storying with Young Children

Section 1 – Gathering Data (40 marks; 1000-2000 words)

a. Observations (30 marks)

View the following Videatives clip: Pretend Washing. Remember that you are viewing this clip as a teacher in a local preschool. While viewing, jot down some salient features (e.g., snippets of dialogue) you notice that will help you remember important details, just as you would when working with children in real life.

After viewing, take some time to complete an observation in the form of an anecdotal record highlighting significant information that can be used to plan a process drama learning experience for the children. Your observation should include a record of what you observed and your interpretation of these data. Use the What/So what approach used in class and the Study Guide to record your observation.

Now, repeat this process with the next Videatives clip: Sock, Boot, Ski then Slide.

Next, repeat the whole process with the following two Videatives clips: One Drum is Not Enough and Conducting a Wind Choir of Friends. Your anecdotal records should focus on significant information that can be used for planning a music and movement learning experience for the children.

You should have FOUR (4) complete anecdotal records: two for drama and two for music and movement.
(30 marks)

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b. Additional Data (10 marks)

Remember, you are a teacher working with children 3-5 years in a typical ECDA-licensed preschool. Bearing in mind the details you have recorded in your four observations, what other types of information would you need to find out and/or think about in order to plan a process drama learning experience and a music and movement learning experience for these children in your center?

You should discuss the additional data that you would be keen to know to inform your planning and explain why/how these data are important. Remember to extend beyond the child’s microsystem here. Your discussion should encompass both drama and music and movement as there will be some overlapping content.

Section 2 – Planning (40 marks; 520-1300 words)

For this section, you should use the two drama observations to plan a process drama learning experience for the children (assume that all children in the two observations are in the one group/class) and the two music and movement observations to plan a music and movement learning experience for the children (assume that all the children in the two observations are in the one group/class). Each plan should have three parts:

a. Rationale (10 marks)

You should account for or rationalise your learning experience. This will involve synthesising appropriate findings from your observations and including any additional relevant and hypothetical information that you might have uncovered in your response to Section 1b above. For example, you might have reported that the preschool’s particular pedagogical approach is relevant, so you could expand this and include a short explanation of how that approach could be useful in justifying your proposed plan.
(10 marks)

b. Learning Goals (10 marks)

State the learning goals for your learning experience. These should link to your rationale and be guided by your knowledge of children’s development in drama or music and movement. Remember, you are planning for learning in drama or music and movement and that goals should be formulated according to observations, specifically for the children observed.
(10 marks)

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c. Procedure (20 marks)

Outline the procedure you would implement with the children. Consider how you will engage the children, utilise any teaching aids, apply any pedagogical strategies and so on. Within reason, give as full a picture as possible so that the person grading your ECA knows exactly what your intentions are, as though they were with you in the room at the time of implementation. Procedures can be presented in full prose or as points in a list.
(20 marks)

Section 3 – Reflection (10 marks; 400-500 words)

For this section, you should explain how and why you might critically reflect on the outcomes of your two plans. Your discussion should move beyond technical descriptions of what might have occurred and explain how and why you could cast a critical eye over your decisions and actions related to planning (i.e., the appropriateness of what you planned, how and why you employed and applied certain techniques or strategies and the implications of these decisions).

Your discussion should encompass your drama plan and your music and movement plan. You should provide a detailed explanation of how and why you would reflect on your practice. This should not be a hypothetical reflection of the learning experiences themselves as you are not implementing these plans in real life.

Quality of Writing (10 marks)

Total = 100 marks

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