HFS371:Tutor-Marked Assignment SUSS – Risk Assessment and Management, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject HFS371 Risk Assessment and Management Assignment

Question 1

This TMA requires you to demonstrate learning in (1) risk management requirements, (2) organising of risk management capability, and (3) developing risk management framework in workplaces. You are to apply your understanding of the risk assessment and management approaches with the following tasks:

(a) Carry out a review of the legislative requirements of risk assessment and management in Singapore. Your review should clearly illustrate how the legislative requirements are influenced by the concepts of risk and risk management.

(b) Examine and describe how a local small-medium enterprise, CW Logistics Pte Ltd (CW Logistics), occupying a single-storey warehouse in Pioneer Industrial Estate, should be organised to manage risks.

(c) Analyse and describe the organisation’s documents and arrangements to be developed for the enterprise.

Your TMA-Report shall be kept at a maximum of 1500 ± 150 words (excluding the Executive Summary, Tables and Figures, References, and Appendices). Too few words mean that you are unable to do your topic justice; too many words mean that you have not been discerning enough in your selection of materials or written succinctly enough.

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You are to discuss and apply your learning in your report (providing in-text citation and appropriate referencing) and the final TMA-Report document shall include:

Tutor-Marked Assignment

  • Cover Page as required by SUSS
  • Executive Summary (maximum 1-Page)
  • Content Page

Main Report (max. 1500 ± 150 words) covering:

  • Introduction
  • Legislative Requirements in Singapore
    o WSH Act and Risk Management Regulations
    o ISO 31000 and Singapore’s Risk Management Code of Practice
  • Organising for Risk Management
    o Enterprise’s Executive Structures and Functional Committees
    o Enterprise’s Risk Management Architecture
  • Risk Management Documents and Arrangements
    o Enterprise RM Documents
    o Enterprise RM Arrangements
  • Conclusion 5 marks
  •  Word-Count/References/Annexes/Attachments (if necessary)

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