HSC09401/HSC09101/NUR09716 Health Promotion Strategies, Singapore

University Edinburgh Napier University (ENU)
Subject HSC09401 / HSC09101 / NUR09716 Healthy Lives

Healthy Lives 2024-2025: Summative Assessment Guidance

Portfolio of Evidence

1) Written report: (2000 words +/- 10%)
2) Media resource: Health promotion poster OR leaflet
(Overall grade for written report and media resource)

Part 1- Written Report:

  • Please use the front cover template available within the ‘Assessment Area’ on Moodle.
  • Please use the ‘Suggested Report Structure,’ with headings and sub-headings.
  • Please include citations throughout the written report to support your points.
  • First-person narrative or third-person narrative is acceptable.
  • Please submit the written report as a Microsoft Word document.


  • Identify a health issue of concern either of interest, related to your field of practice or geographic location.
  • Identity a specific target group in society, at risk of this health concern. Please include the geographical location of your target group and at least two characteristics, e.g.) age group,
    ethnic group, gender, workforce / professional group, or patient population.
  • Outline your health promotion strategy. This can be either:
    a) early detection or b) prevention or c) improved management of the health concern.
  • What is the main message to your target group? What are you encouraging people to do?

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Main Body of the Written Report

  • Present a critical analysis of the issue of concern and health promotion strategy.
    Please use sub-headings and include the following:
  • Epidemiology of your chosen health concern- what evidence is there to show this is significant? What evidence is there to demonstrate that your target group is at risk?
  • Describe any existing health promotion initiatives that address this topic, in your country or worldwide (suggested word count: 100 words).
  • Consider your own health promotion strategy and target group. Which one approach to
    health promotion best underpins your health promotion strategy, and why?
    a) Medical / Preventive
    b) Behaviour Change
    c) Educational
    d) Empowerment
    e) Social Change
  • Which behavioural change theory could influence health behaviour on this topic? Explain how this theory relates to your health concern and health promotion strategy.
  • What are the barriers to your health promotion strategy? Consider the social determinants of health- what may be preventing people in your target group from making this health behaviour change?
  • Which media will you use to communicate your health promotion strategy- poster or leaflet? Provide rationale for your choice of poster / leaflet, and where this would be available for your target group to access.


  • Summary of the written report.
  •  One recommendation for future health promotion practice or research, in relation to your chosen health concern.

*No citations are required in the conclusion of the written report.

Please do not include information about symptoms, diagnosis or management of the health concern in the written report, although this may be mentioned in your poster / leaflet.

Part 2- Poster / Leaflet:

In Part 2 of the assessment, you will create a form of media to convey your health promotion message.
Please produce a referenced media resource designed to educate your target group about your chosen health concern and recommended approach to health promotion.
The referenced media resource must be a health promotion poster or leaflet.

Your target group and health promotion strategy should be clear in the poster / leaflet.

The poster / leaflet should include citations as required and a short reference list.

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Guidance to help you create the poster / leaflet is available in the ‘Assessment Area’ on Moodle, and the Academic Skills recorded lecture will provide more information.

  • Poster- please create using Microsoft PowerPoint and save as a PDF.
  • Leaflet- please create using Microsoft Word and save as PDF.

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