Identify at least FIVE (5) Facilities within a Neighborhood that Enable Older Persons: Elder Care Nursing Essay, OU, Singapore

University The Open University (OU)
Subject Elder Care Nursing

Assignment Overview:

  • Identify at least FIVE (5) facilities within a neighborhood that enable older persons to age-in-place Explain how each of these facilities has helped the seniors to age-in-place.

If the facilities are not accessible or if the client is unaware of their existence/availability, discuss how the nurse could facilitate the client and his/her family to maximize their access to these resources for maintaining and enabling the seniors to age in place.

  • Draw evidence from journal articles and books to support your observations of your exploration of the facilities (refer to the marking criteria). The evidence from the scholarly literature will assist you to formulate rationale and support your e-observations about the facility use for seniors.

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  • Discuss your thoughts and opinions on the facilities.
  • Discuss how well the facilities can be utilized by the seniors. You may utilize journal articles and books to support your statement or argument of ideas.
  • Discuss the knowledge gained when re-exploring these facilities in Singapore via the online platform.
  • Provide recommendations/suggestions that can help to enhance the facilities.
  • Collect e-/evidences in the form of online pictures, pamphlets, or teaching materials to aid in your written assignment.
  • Summarise the key issues and conclude by drawing on the information discussed above. Do not introduce new information.
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