Margaret Rozario is a 64-year-old Widow with a 26-year-old Son: Case Study Assignment, OU, Singapore

University The Open University (OU)
Subject Case Study

Case Study Details:

Read the following case history and develop and appropriate counseling plan addressing relevant details from the case history. The treatment plan should highlight any urgent or special considerations. Then specify, step by step, what action you would take to support Margaret, including referral to other professionals as appropriate.

1.) Case of Margaret

Margaret Rozario is a 64-year-old widow with a 26-year-old son. Her husband had passed away about 6 months ago from a sudden heart attack. Margaret had recently witnessed an elderly woman being robbed in broad daylight as she was going home from the market. Since then she is scared of going out alone and will go out only if she is accompanied by her son or someone else. She also reports dizzy spells, sweats, shakiness, and a feeling of unable to breathe. These episodes last for about 10-15 minutes before she calms down. She sleeps more now and finds it difficult to get up in the mornings. She also thinks of her husband more now and cries quietly to herself. She sometimes thinks that there is nothing to live for now that her husband is gone. Margaret used to be an active member of her church but stopped going to church since the incident.

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2.) Case of Aishah

Aishah is a 32-year-old woman with a 5-month-old baby girl. Her husband is away on a four-month contract project in Indonesia. This is the first time that her husband has been out of Singapore for such a long time for work. Her husband Salim, has been away for 2 months now. Aishah reports feeling continually tired. At night she is up 3 or 4 times to tend to the baby who is unsettled. She says she loves her baby very much, but cannot muster the energy to do any more than feeding her and change her. She worries about her husband is doing. Aishah has lost a lot of weight, and reports having no appetite. Aishah has resumed her full-time work as a bank officer after her maternity leave. She finds it to concentrate on her job and takes a longer time to complete her daily work tasks. She sends her infant daughter to her mother’s place and picks her daughter up every day when she is working.

You should include or give consideration to the following:

1. Brief Introduction Provide a description of the client’s presenting problem. A brief overview of the case conceptualization.

2. Case Conceptualisation as a Counsellor Detailed elaboration of the techniques used for the initial, middle, and terminating stage. Questions to ask clients for each treatment stage Homework is given to the client for each treatment stage Literature sources and the extent to which you use them must be attributed appropriately.

3. Presentation and Organization Clear, descriptive expression, and well-organized (use of headings and sub-headings).

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