University | Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS) |
Subject | MKT371 Customer Insights and Analytics |
Section A (100 marks)
Answer all questions in this section.
The objective of this ECA is for students to apply the knowledge and skills learned in MKT 371. You must interpret the results and make sense of the data.
Read the case study “Case 3.3: Kimberly-Clark: Competing Through Innovation” on pp. 774-780 in the textbook. Assume that you are a data analyst for Kimberly-Clark tasked with analyzing the survey data.
Instead of stating the general statistical conclusions, it is imperative that you relate JMP results to the case context and make recommendations to Kimberly-Clark management.
Question 1
Refer to the accompanying JMP file to answer the following questions. Include relevant JMP outputs in your response to the questions..
Question 1a
The directions of the rating scales used in this survey are inconsistent, making
interpretation less intuitive.
Reverse the coding for Q3, Q7, Q8, Q9, Q11, and Q12. Specifically, assign the lowest code to the least extent or the most negative descriptor and the highest code to the greatest extent or the most positive one; the code assigned to the ‘DK/Refuse’ option should remain the same. Save the recoded variables as separate variables.
Show and discuss a summary table of means and standard deviations for these recoded variables.
(6 marks)
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Question 1b
After reviewing the mailer, respondents were asked to rate various aspects of it, including the featured brand (Huggies), across seven (7) questions: Q4a, Q4b, Q4c, Q7_recoded, Q8_recoded, Q9_recoded, and Q10b. However, these questions are overly tedious for subsequent analyses.
Solve this problem by running a factor analysis using principal components extraction with varimax rotation on these seven rating questions and determine any underlying factors inherent in the data.
You must do the following and print all the relevant statistics and JMP outputs:
- Demonstrate the appropriateness of using Factor Analysis by Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity
- Determine the number of factors to be extracted based on Eigenvalues,
Cumulative Percentage and Scree Plot methods. - Appraise the dominant variables in each factor and the variance each factor
accounts for. - Interpret the factors.
- Save the factor scores (i.e., the rotated component scores). Calculate and
examine the association between the factors.
(20 marks)
Question 2
Refer to the accompanying JMP file to answer the following questions. Include relevant JMP outputs in your response to the questions.
Question 2a
Based on Q2 data, 282 respondents would have opened the mailer if they received it in the mail, while 16 would not have (treat those who indicated ‘Don’t Know’ as missing data).
Using a two-group discriminant analysis, examine whether the two respondent groups in Q2 (those who would have opened the mailer vs. those who would not have) can be derived from the factors extracted in Question 1 Part (b), the likelihood of using coupons (Q11_recoded), the age of the youngest child in diapers (QG), and the skin sensitivity of the youngest child in diapers (Q12_recoded).
You must assemble and discuss relevant JMP outputs comprehensively.
Note: In JMP Discriminant Analysis, select ‘Stepwise Variable Selection’ with the ‘Linear, Common Variance’ discriminant method for a preliminary analysis. Then, click ‘Enter All (Variables)’ followed by ‘Apply this Model’ to conduct a full analysis.
(24 marks)
Question 2b
Recommend two (2) appropriate actions for Kimberly-Clark management based on Question 2 Part (a) findings.
(10 marks)
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Question 3
Refer to the accompanying JMP file to answer the following questions. Include relevant JMP outputs in your response to the questions.
Question 3a
Can respondents’ likelihood of purchasing Huggies diapers be predicted simultaneously by brand quality (Q4a), brand trust (Q4b), the gender of the youngest child in diapers (QH), and whether the youngest child in diapers is first-born (Q14)?
Execute a multiple regression analysis with Q3_recoded as the dependent variable and Q4a, Q4b, QH and Q14 as the independent variables. Interpret the results.
(20 marks)
Question 3b
Propose two (2) strategies for Kimberly-Clark management to increase market share based on your findings in Question 3 Part (a).
(10 marks)
Question 4
Demonstrate Quality of Writing and Presentation in your submission: The remaining ten (10) marks are allocated to the writing and presentation of your answers, which includes professional presentation of the JMP outputs, formatting and layout of the report, citations (if any), grammar, logical flow of discussion, effective use of headings/sub-headings, clarity and conciseness of writing, and AI usage declaration. Refer to the rubrics below.
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