MKT6035: You are Required to Select a Foreign Brand Based on your Chosen Brand Prepare an International Marketing plan for Entry to the Singapore Market: International Marketing Planning Report, UoB, Singapore

University University of Birmingham (UoB)
Subject MKT6035: International Marketing Planning

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment:
On completion of this assignment, students should be able to demonstrate their ability to:

  • Prepare solutions for international marketing problems through the application of knowledge and understanding of relevant theory and practices.

Drawing on your understanding of international marketing topics, you are required to produce a report of no more than 3000 words (excluding content list, appendices, and reference list) to fulfill the following brief.

In the first instance, you are required to select a foreign brand. Based on your chosen brand prepare an international marketing plan for entry to the Singapore market. The plan will include a brief analysis of Singapore to assess its level of attractiveness for your chosen brand. The plan should include a detailed discussion on the relevant areas of the international marketing mix and a comprehensive justification of your recommended marketing
strategy and method of entry/operations. Please find the Assessment Guidelines below.

Assessment Guidelines
1 Justification and evaluation of country attractiveness
2 Suitability of international marketing objectives and strategy
3 Suitability of international segmentation, targeting, and positioning
4 Suitability of market entry recommendations
5 Suitability of marketing mix recommendations
6 Presentation, structure, and referencing
7 Overall impression of understanding of international marketing concepts and
techniques gained from engagement with scholarly literature.

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