NBNS1503: The World Health Organization (WHO) and Public Health Authorities Around: Trauma And Emergency Nursing Assignment, OU, Singapore

University The Open University (OU)
Subject NBNS1503: Trauma And Emergency Nursing


This assignment is to evaluate learners’ analytical skills in addressing issues related to the roles and functions of Emergency Nurses as front-liners in dealing with potentially infected patients during a pandemic.


The World Health Organization (WHO) and public health authorities around the world are currently acting to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. For healthcare workers, especially working as front-liners in the emergency department, rapid identification of patients presenting to the emergency care setting with a potentially infectious disease will help to reduce the risk of exposure and disease transmission to patients, visitors, and staff.

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The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends appropriate precautions stipulated in the triage protocols to optimize early recognition of the disease in order to avoid exposing healthcare staff and other patients unnecessarily in waiting areas and during patient encounters (Emergency Nurses Association, 2018).


1. Discuss the vital roles and functions of the Emergency Nurses as the forefront healthcare team in receiving potentially infected patients during a pandemic.

2. Describe the proper triaging of patients with infectious disease and its importance in healthcare practice.

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