OHSE3710: International perspectives of some of the Internationally Recognized Occupational Diseases Identified by the ILO: International Perspectives on EOHS, Singapore

University The University of Newcastle (UoN)
Subject OHSE3710: International Perspectives on EOHS

Assignment Brief:

This assignment is focusing on international perspectives of some of the internationally recognized occupational diseases identified by the ILO (International Labour Organization).
For internationally recognized occupational disease on Musculoskeletal disorders,

Scope of the assignment:
A. A brief introduction about the disease(s) caused by the agent under study.
B. Establish the causal relationship between the disease(s) and agent using relevant scientific evidence.
C. The two Asian countries in Singapore and India where the disease(s) is/are prevalent and explain the existing scenarios in those two countries with some statistics.
D. Compare and contrast the prevention and protection measures that are in place in those two countries.
E. Suggest examples and possibilities to overcome the existing issues with ideas imported from other countries that have eradicated the disease(s) under study.

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