Question 1 (Full marks: 100) In 2009, the Philippines Parliament (Congress) introduced the 'Magna Carta for Women' (MCW) also known as the Republic Act 9710. This Act was intended to end all forms of discrimination against women by giving them equal rights in respect to marriage and divorce, inheritance and…
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Question 1 Based on the appendix, answer the following questions. Explain what constitutes religiously-motivated hate from a sociological perspective. In your answer refer to at least two examples/illustrations of religiously-motivated hate by adherents of different religions. Discuss Harris' argument that religion is dangerous and explain why you agree or disagree…
Component 1: You are required to complete a 2,000 word essay (+/- 10%) that addresses the following question: In his book Leadership in Organizations, Yukl (2013) conceptualises leadership by organisational level. These levels can be viewed as a hierarchy as depicted below: General Managerial Work Functions Level (Yukl, 2013) Chair,…
Company Overview Introduce the company you have chosen, including its business model, industry, and competitive positioning. Provide background on the company's recent developments and strategic initiatives. Financial Statement Analysis Analyze the company's recent financial statements (last three to five years). Calculate and interpret key financial ratios, including: Liquidity Ratios: Current…
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Section A (65 marks) Answer all questions in this section. Question 1 As of 2024, there are five Ride-hail Service Operators in Singapore, which are Grab, Ryde, Tada, Gojek, and Zig. Assume that you are a Total Quality Management consultant, specialising in the public transport sector. Select one (1) of…
Section A (65 marks) Answer all questions in this section. Question 1 The Objective of this ECA To provide an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge learnt in the course and to develop/sharpen the necessary technical skills and knowledge in project management. Please note that: The details and names…
Section A (65 marks) Answer all questions in this section. Note: You must answer ALL questions in this section. Answers must be supported with theoretical models and concepts from the recommended textbook, Lewicki, R. J., Saunders, D. M. & Barry, B. (2021). Essentials of Negotiation (7th ed). New York: McGraw-Hill…
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Section A (100 marks) Answer all questions in this section. Question 1 Given our day and age and the prevalence of social media, thought leaders have a profound impact on us. Thought leaders are informed opinion leaders in their area of expertise. People go to them to be inspired, moved…
HBC101 SUSS TMA01 In December 2024, the mandatory guidelines on flexible work arrangements (FWAs) by the Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices (TAFEP) took effect. Employees can make formal requests to their employers to access greater flexibility in their work arrangements in terms of working place, time and…
Diversity and Inclusion Case Study: What Does Diversity Mean in a Global Organization? by David S. Lee From the Magazine (May–June 2022) "We have a diversity problem." Alex Pelletier, the CEO of Juno, a Toronto-based toy company, nodded his acknowledgment. He knew that Stuart Landry, his chairman, wasn't berating him…