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SOC365 Exploring Subcultures and Popular Culture in Singapore: A Sociological Study

Question 1 Answer the following question in 3,000 words. Analyse the relationship between a subculture and popular culture, in the context of Singapore society. You are required to conduct a sociological study of a subculture in Singapore. To gather the data for the assignment, you need to conduct qualitative interviews…

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Production Scheduling Optimization Using Constraint Programming – SIM

Objectives: Problem identification and optimization model formulation Solving method: use of Constraint Programming to formulate the scheduling models Hand-in solution ILOG OPL modelling and solving exercises. Deliver the OPL project, named DM.A.4 with the programmed models, together with the answered questions as a pdf file, in a compressed file in…

BSE207 Cardiorespiratory Fitness Assessment: VO₂max, Submaximal & Maximal GXT Analysis

Question 1 (a) Present the results of 1) the Bruce Submaximal Treadmill Protocol Graded Exercise Test (GXT) OR 2) the Åstrand-Ryhming Cycle Ergometer Submaximal Exercise Test Protocol conducted during the laboratory session. Results: Present, in a table, the data collected from ALL the team members undertaking either the Bruce Submaximal…

BSE217 Motor Learning And Performance: Theories, models, and Practical Applications

Question 1 Instructional practice are influenced by theoretical perspectives that have had dominant periods of scientific influence since the early 1900’s (Clark & Whitall, 1989). Newman & Newman (2010) suggest that motor development and learning theories can be classified as reductionist or interactionist theories. (a) Define the main principles and…

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BSE309 Composure & Arousal Management Workshop and Personalized Sport Psychology Intervention

Question 1 Prepare a research-backed, educational workshop aimed at enhancing athletes' understanding and use of composure and arousal management in competition. Note: There is no need to develop any PowerPoint™ deck or participant handouts for this assignment. Our focus is on the thorough planning and preparation of an educational applied…

BSE309 Mental Skills Training & Psychological Strategies in Sports Performance(TMA02)

Question 1 Analyse the methodology, results, and practical implications of a peer-reviewed research journal article on goal-setting, imagery, or self-talk [choose one] in sport psychology. Apply the findings to practical scenarios in sport and provide recommendations for improvement or future research. Suggested Structure or Format: Introduction and Summary (10 marks)…

HBC203 Psychological Impact of Instagram Usage Among University Students

Question 1 (100 marks) Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world today. Because it is so widely used amongst youths, it is important to examine how they use the social media platform and its psychological impact. Raymond conducted a study with undergraduates at a…

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BPM113 Preliminary Design Proposal for Cluster House Development at Upper Paya Lebar Crescent

Project: Cluster House Development at Upper Paya Lebar Crescent Introduction: The owner of one parcel of land at Paya Lebar Crescent planned to redevelop (tear and rebuild) into a cluster housing estate. Cluster housing projects have seen their popularity rise in recent years due to their unique features such as…

BPM115 Feasibility Study for a Cross-Country Bridge with Sustainable Materials, TMA 02

Question 1 Assignment Title: Feasibility Study for a Cross-Country Bridge with Sustainable Materials Scenario: You are the technical manager in charge of a feasibility study for a proposed new cross-country bridge which will span a marine strait and potentially exposed to severe environmental conditions. The overall development will include checkpoint…

BAFI 3272 Monetary Policy & Credit Ratings: Case study Analysis (2022-2024) | Assessment 2

Format: This is a case study style of report where students are given a particular topic or issue and they respond in the style set out in Assessment details on Canvas. The following structure is required for each case study for your report: Statement of problem or issue Interpretation and…