PAM100: Identify and critically assess why trends in M&As activity tend to follow cycles such as those which have occurred in the past: Global Issues for the Finance Professional Assignment, UOL, Singapore

University University of London (UOL)
Subject PAM100: Global Issues for the Finance Professional


Identify and critically assess why trends in M&As activity tend to follow cycles
such as those which have occurred in the past.

In addition, discuss the key factors that need to be considered in order for an M&A to be considered successful. Within your critique include relevant examples of M&As and outline why they are considered successful. In responding to this requirement, you should certainly refer to relevant MPAcc materials as appropriate. You are encouraged to also draw upon other materials, as appropriate, from journal articles and/or business reports and/or news reports i.e. research the topic and use appropriate material to support and develop arguments.


Look back over your studies, of the six themes, in this GIFP module, identify two ideas from within the six themes, which you feel are relevant to work practice, be that previous work, and/or current work, and/or work you aspire to. Justify the ideas identified for inclusion in your list of two. It may be appropriate to identify ideas that are perhaps very new to you and/or ideas which although you were already familiar with, your studies have thrown new light on them, prompting new insights.

Note: a total of different TWO ideas are required, not two from each of the six themes. You may if you wish draw your two ideas from within one theme. Take time to think about what you have studied and learnt about each of the two ideas. Capture and articulate the new learning that has taken place both in terms of the nature and theory of the idea and practical applications.

Extend the context of the practical application to include ‘real world’ situation.

Extend the context of the practical application to include ‘real world’ situations – past, and/or current, and/or potential – leading you to illustrate how each idea has already impacted or will impact in the future your professional practice when dealing with matters financial. Where appropriate, this should include a statement of changes you will have to enact to ensure that your professional practice is enhanced and how you will set about enacting them. You should utilise the word count as you see fit.

Background reading (optional) – “Why you should make time for self-reflection (even if you hate doing it)”, J. Porter, Harvard Business Review, March 2017. In responding to this requirement, you should, clearly, certainly refer to relevant MPAcc materials as appropriate. You are encouraged to also draw upon other materials, as appropriate, from other sources. Ensure that your response is not just descriptive but also reflects analysis, evaluation, conclusions, and plans. There are a number of sources freely available concerning the art and science of reflection. Feel free to draw upon such sources.

For example – one way of evaluating a situation is to follow the Gibbs (1988) approach outlined below. Other methods of analysis, are available and you may select any which you are familiar with or happy to use

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