Production Scheduling Optimization Using Constraint Programming – SIM, Singapore

University Singapore Institute of Management (SIM)
Subject Decision Making (DM)


  • Problem identification and optimization model formulation
  • Solving method: use of Constraint Programming to formulate the scheduling models

Hand-in solution

ILOG OPL modelling and solving exercises. Deliver the OPL project, named DM.A.4 with the programmed models, together with the answered questions as a pdf file, in a compressed file in accordance with the instructions and due date to be communicated in class or the virtual campus.

Exercise 1

Code in OPL the scheduling problem stated as exercise 3 in the DM.P.4 list. This model should be named as jobScheduling. The required input data is provided in the enclosed assemblyRules data file.

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Exercise 2

In the previous model one single resource of each type was available. Now, you must reduce the make span by deciding where to invest for increasing the number of resources. Of course, you should keep the investment as low as possible.

Question 2.1:

Analyze the results obtained from Exercise 1. If any, where do you think
the bottlenecks are? Justify your answer.

Question 2.2:

Extend your model from Exercise 1 to enable several machine units of
the same resource type. The new required data set and structures are given to you in the assemblyRules.v2 data file and jobScheduling.v2 model template respectively. Neither data sets nor data structures should be modified. You must complete the decision variable declarations and adapt the constraints from Exercise 1 and add the new constraint as indicated in the model template.

Hint: revisiting the examples in 3.2.CP Constraints is highly recommended.

Question 2.3:

Determine the increase of the selected resources that is required for reducing the make span to less than 190 minutes for the given work orders.

Hint: you only should perform several experiments to come up with a conclusion. No further modifications in the model are requested or needed.

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