PSBM115CL: Critical Analyse of the Organisation’s Strategic Direction, Determining Which Theoretical Models: Strategic Management Assignment, CU, Singapore

University Coventry University (CU)
Subject PSBM115CL: Strategic Management

Assessment Learning Outcomes

You will see from both the Module Handbook (On the M115LON Moodle site. A sub-set of these is a set of Assessment Outcomes which link to the Rubric as stated below:

  • Critical analyse of the organisation’s strategic direction, determining which theoretical models have valid applications in different environmental contexts, and making practical use of mainstream strategy concepts to assess the organisation strategic direction.
  • Account for and critically evaluate the organisation’s strategic decisions within the context of its external and internal environment, using SWOT/TOWS frameworks to support your analysis.
  • Synthesise your understanding and knowledge of critical aspects of the organisation’s strategy and the strategic process in your Conclusions and Recommendations.
  • Demonstrate an ability to independently research, present, analyse, and critically evaluate relevant data and appropriate academic literature to support your analysis, conclusions, and recommendations.
  • Demonstrate effective communications skills to enable a clear presentation of key findings, results, and recommendations. These include:
  1. Clarity of written communication, including accurate spelling and grammar.
  2. Consistency and appropriateness of writing style.
  3. Appropriate use of standard Management Report template.
  4. Correct and consistent use of the Harvard Referencing System. [NOTE: There is a guide on Moodle. It is advised that you download this for future reference.]

The Companies

You have to select one of the following companies to investigate and analyse for your assessment. Choose your company carefully. Your selection could be based upon areas of interest, the type of company that you might want to work for in the future, and/or the course you are enrolled on. We suggest that you briefly review each of the organisations prior to making your final choice. The choice has to be yours alone and not your tutors.

Each company has a corporate website from which you can extract the company’s Annual Report and Accounts, in addition to other reports (usually indicated under the ‘Investors’ tag). We suggest that this is your starting point for your research.

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The companies and their industries are:

Name of Company Corporate Website Business Sector
1 KLM Aviation
2 Marriot Hospitality
3 H&M Fashion
4 Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical
5 Audi Automotive
6 Rabobank Finance
7 Tesco Retail
8 Shell Energy

Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Learning Outcomes

The following learning outcomes need to be clearly met in your coursework to ensure that you meet the criteria for the double accreditation which includes a Level 7 certificate in Strategic Management and Leadership.

7006V1 Reviewing organizational strategy and plans and performance

  1. Be able to review the organizational strategic aims and objectives.
  2. Be able to analyse progress towards organizational strategic aims and objectives
  3. Be able to evaluate strategic options to support a revised strategic position


This assignment represents the culmination of all your work on this module having undertaken an environmental audit in CW1. You have studied the strategic options available to the business. You are now required to independently evaluate the existing strategy of the business and make recommendations to the Board of Directors as to the future development of the business’ strategy. You are expected to use the same company you analyzed in CW1. Your evaluation and recommendations should be presented as a Management Report.

Your management report should include:

  • Anonymous cover sheet: This must contain the following: Module title and code, Assignment title, Your ID number, Name of your seminar tutor, Word Count (the word count minus the title page, contents page, executive summary, tables/charts, reference list, and any appendices) and date of submission.
  • Executive Summary: This should be no more than one page in length and should present a ‘snapshot’ of the report including your findings from the environmental audit and the strategic direction of the organisation. You should also include an overview of your recommendations with a brief rationale. [Note: This is not counted in the word limit.]
  • Table of contents: This should be no more than one page in length. [NOTE: This is not counted within the word limit.]
  • Introduction: An introduction to the company’s operations – in other words ‘setting the scene’. This to include an overview of the organisation’s operations, their proposed strategy, its financial situation, the general state of the sector/industry (for example, is it in growth or decline), and its key competitors. It is expected that elsewhere in the report you will apply the models/concepts and frameworks to the organisation. This approach should underpin your knowledge and understanding of the organisation and the environment in which it operates.
  • Analysis of the organisation’s strategic position in its industry- by using relevant business KPIs in comparing the performance of the organization with that of its main competitors
  • Analysis of the organisation’s strategic direction: This needs to be undertaken with a clear identification of the methods by which the organisation’s strategies have been pursued. You must use Ansoff and either BCG or GE/McKinsey.
  • Critical evaluation of the organisation’s strategy: This is in terms of its suitability, acceptability, and feasibility (SAF Framework).
  • Conclusions: What conclusions have you drawn from analysing this organisation?
  • Recommendations: These are what you have derived from examining the organisation. These should link back to the material that you have critically reviewed within the previous sections. There must be a clear rationale for the recommendations. Read your recommendations carefully and ask yourself the following questions:
    • Are your recommendations rational?
    • What evidence can you provide in support of these recommendations?
    • How would the various stakeholders react? How would you react if you were a shareholder?
    • Is it logical that the company would or need to take these specific actions?
    • Do they make sense?
    • Would you be prepared to discuss them at a Board meeting?

Presentation of CW2 Assignment

The Management Report must be professionally presented and appropriately referenced. As stated above we want you to develop the mindset that this is for the Board of Directors of your chosen company. Even though you are submitting this electronically we want you to follow the format stated below.

Assignments must be presented in the following format:

  • Word-processed in Arial font, 12 pitch, and double-spaced.
  • Margins must be as follows: Top; 1.0 inch (2.5cm), Bottom; 1.0 inch (2.5 cm), Left; 1.25 inches (3.2 cm), Right; 1.25 inches (3.2 cm).
  • All pages must be numbered in the top right-hand corner.
  • Use only a plain white background – no colored/designed backgrounds (including company logos) as this impedes readability. Please also remember that a report can be enhanced or damaged through layout, for example placing all tables and drawings in Appendices can hamper the flow of discussion. Decisions, therefore, need to be made about the most appropriate place to use tables and so on to support your case.

Use of Tables

Use tables only where appropriate. Where you do use tables (perhaps to show changes in revenue and profit over a period of time) make sure that there is a clear interpretation of the information within the text. In other words, what are the figures meant to display?

Use subheadings to delineate the text and write in a narrative style. This enhances readability and allows you to add the necessary evidence to support your perspectives.

Equally, do not use generic diagrams of the various models and frameworks: (1) We want you to demonstrate knowledge and understanding through their application and (2) images of ‘cows’ and ‘dogs’ as used in some Internet depictions of the BCG matrix are not suitable for a management report for a board of directors.


Use diagrams sparingly.

Remember that this is to be a professional management report, as such any illustrations must be suitable to present to a board of directors.

Written English Language Skills

Review both your sentence and paragraph structuring prior to submission. Read and re-read your work to make sure that you are communicating information clearly and effectively. Your written English must be of a professional standard. This includes avoiding ‘journalistic’ words and phrases.

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