SIM335: Your university’s faculty will be hosting a group of 10 student delegates from overseas for a 2-Day 1-Night exchange program: Managing Projects Assignment, UoS, Singapore

University University of Sunderland (UoS)
Subject SIM335: Managing Projects

Case Study:

Your university’s faculty will be hosting a group of 10 student delegates from overseas for a 2-Day 1-Night exchange program. During the visit, there will be a series of activities/programs from your faculty to engage the delegates. As the Project Manager appointed by your faculty, you are in charge of planning and organizing the event. In view of the COVID-19 virus and local government advisory, you should include safe management measures as part of the project consideration.

As the project is currently at the feasibility stage, you are required to prepare a proposal report for the faculty dean’s approval. From a project management perspective, outline the key areas required to successfully manage this project – e.g. Project Scope, Project Priorities, Work Breakdown Structure, and Cost Estimation.


A creative and original response to the question. Critically reflecting on perceived theory and experiences. Wide and appropriate use of sources
based on reading and experiences. Answer wrote fluently, with evidence of a highly developed capacity to structure work systematically and argue logically.

Comprehensive knowledge of concepts and theories. Appropriate application of theory and experience to the question answered. Ability to inter-relate concepts and ideas. Some originality in approach and awareness of scope and limitations. Answer systematically structured and coherent.

Evidence of knowledge of concepts and theories. Attempts to relate and balance theory and practice. Main issues addressed appropriately. Mainstream texts and lecture notes were used. Work presented in a structured form but arguments weak in places.

Evidence of uncritical knowledge of main concepts and theories. Limited attempts to relate theory and practice relaying on personal opinionss or assertions. Limited evidence of reading. Presentation and structure are weak in several places.

Some knowledge of main concepts and theory but major omissions and/or
misunderstandings. Style and structure are weak and overly descriptive. Considerable limitations in the ability to perceive the relationship between theory and practice.

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  • Discuss the linkage/interconnectivity between organizations’ strategic direction and project management. Provide an example of the organization’s strategic focus in light of the COVID-19 pandemic and suggest a relevant project accordingly.
  • Determine the THREE (3) types of report typically established in project management. For each type of report, provide a brief discussion on the purpose and usefulness.
  • Project Control Systems are often used to ensure the quality of project outcomes. Identify and briefly discuss methods you could introduce to ensure a project meets the desired outcome and is successful.
  • Identify and briefly discuss the determinants of project success.
  • Your university’s faculty will be hosting a group of 10 student delegates from overseas for a 2-Day 1-Night exchange program. Which project structure would you recommend? Write short notes to describe the proposed structure and provide appropriate justifications to support your recommendation.

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