SOC365 Exploring Subcultures and Popular Culture in Singapore: A Sociological Study, Singapore

University Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS)
Subject SOC365: Popular Culture

Question 1

Answer the following question in 3,000 words.

Analyse the relationship between a subculture and popular culture, in the context of Singapore society.

You are required to conduct a sociological study of a subculture in Singapore. To gather the data for the assignment, you need to conduct qualitative interviews with THREE members of the subculture you have selected for your study. The interviews should be conducted face-to-face. To enrich your understanding of the subculture, you can conduct fieldwork observation as a complementary method. To answer the above question, it is necessary to consult the course materials and additional relevant academic sources.

Your essay should address the following pointers:

  • What is a subculture? Discuss how sociologists and cultural studies researchers define subcultures and in what ways the sociological definition is applicable to your selected subculture.
  • Examine the cultural characteristics of your selected subculture that make it distinct from other groups in Singapore society.
  • Is there heterogeneity within the subculture you are studying?
  • Why and how do members of this subculture assert their identities? What meanings do they attach to their subculture?
  • How would you describe and explain the subculture’s relationships with the wider society and social institutions?
  • Evaluate how the selected subculture is related to popular culture.

In your essay, be sure to apply relevant concepts and theories covered in the course, and synthesise, integrate and analyse fieldwork findings in your argument.

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Guidelines for the interviews:

Please adhere to the guidelines and code of conduct required of researchers when carrying out qualitative research and familiarise yourself with the items in the consent form. Arrange to conduct the interview at a suitable time and a public location. You should also prepare a list of questions that you would like to ask the interviewees in advance. If the interviewees consent, the interview may be audio-recorded for transcription and analysis purposes. If consent for audio-recording is not given by the interviewee, be sure to note their responses in writing.

You must obtain informed consent from all interviewees using the Participant Consent Form. The interviewee must sign and state their full name in the consent forms. Digital signatures (but not typed) are accepted. Please attach the signed consent forms at the end of the essay. 10 marks will be deducted for any incomplete, invalid or non-submission of consent form.

Include as an Appendix in your ECA:

  • Interview guide
  • Transcripts of interviews
  • Signed Participant Consent Forms

Write your essay in 3,000 words (excluding Appendices and reference list). Please remember to provide the word count, relevant in-text citations and a list of references. Be sure to use appropriate academic sources, including your course materials.

Make certain to fill in the self-declaration form (a copy is available under your course site on Canvas > L group > Modules) and include the completed form as a cover page for your submission (A penalty of 5 marks deduction will be imposed if this self-declaration form is incomplete, inaccurate, or missing. No appeals concerning the self-declaration form will be entertained).

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