University | Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS) |
Subject | Pragmatics and TESOL (TSL557) |
Answer the following question.
There are three parts to this question.
(1). Plan a two-hour lesson to teach a class of your choice on how to perform the speech act of either apologies or closings. State the age of the learners and other contextual background factors which are relevant to your choice of materials, short and long-term goals, time constraints, etc.
The lesson should attempt to teach learners how to make apologies or closings appropriately in different situations relevant to them in their everyday life. Use the Lesson Outline Template provided in class to describe and discuss your lesson. This may be reading, writing, speaking or listening lesson, or you may incorporate a combination of different language skills.
(2). Design suitable teaching/learning materials (e.g. handouts, worksheets, etc.) for your lesson, and place them in the Appendices. The lesson must consist of one main activity (or perhaps two) and, optionally, additional pre- and/or post-activities.
(3). Discuss critically and evaluate your lesson materials in terms of their suitability for teaching communicative competence in the performance of the speech act of apologies or closings. Your discussion and evaluation should include references not only to course readings but also to other academic articles.
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Preparing the Lesson Outline
- Use the Lesson Outline Template provided in class to describe and explain your lesson.
- Place your handouts/worksheets/graphic organisers for your teaching activities (and relevant answer keys, where applicable) in the Appendices.
- Your Lesson Outline should include:
- Lesson Objectives: Make sure your lesson objectives are specific, observable and quantifiable, whenever possible. Lesson objectives are usually defined in terms of specific language skills/knowledge to be learnt/demonstrated rather than of tasks/activities.
- Context/Background: Provide a brief context to your lesson. For example, is the current lesson part of a series of lessons on a specific topic/theme? What lessons precede the current lesson and what follows after it, and so on?
- Methods, Activities, Materials: This section should describe/explain the learning activities/tasks/materials and the procedures to be carried out by teachers and students. Any reference to the materials in the Appendices must be signposted. Answer keys must be provided for all activities/tasks/ materials. This section should be sufficiently detailed and clear such that a relief teacher can understand and use it if you are unavailable at short notice to teach it.
- Rationale In this section, explain your choice/design of activities /tasks /worksheets by referring to relevant theories /models /approaches /
methods /principles /processes. You should not just state/list your choice /design of activities /tasks /worksheets.
Get arts assignment help from Singapore's premier assignment help provider Singapore Assignment Help. Completing TSL557: Pragmatics and TESOL assignment can be very challenging for SUSS scholars as the discipline comes up with an extensive range of educational assignments, essay writings, dissertations, etc depending on the level of academic pursuance. In Pragmatics and TESOL assignment we help the students to prepare a lesson of an hour that consists of short and long-term goals, time constraints, suitable teaching materials, and speech act of apologies.
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