UGB372: Critical Understanding of Transformations in Marketing Practices and Thinking that are Occurring: Marketing in a Digital World Assignment, UoS, Singapore

University University of Sunderland (UoS)
Subject UGB372: Marketing in a Digital World

Upon successful completion of this module, students will have demonstrated: Knowledge

1. Critical understanding of transformations in marketing practices and thinking that are occurring in response to changes in the technological and social environments.

2. Critical understanding of the need for an integrative approach in strategic marketing.

3. Critical evaluation of the challenges faced by marketers in the digital era.Skills

4. Analytical and critical thinking

The impact of COVID-19 on the Singapore economy has been significant. Sectors that have been the most severely affected are those that rely on international travel, including air transport, accommodation, and other tourism-related sectors.

Consumer-facing sectors such as retail and food services have also been badly affected by the cutback in domestic consumption amidst progressively stricter safe distancing measures.

While most sectors are expected to be adversely affected by the COVID-19 outbreak, there are some bright spots in the economy, including new opportunities that have come with the rise in demand for online sales and services. Pandemic-on-the-Singapore-Economy

This has meant that in order to survive, retailers have been faced with the challenges of transforming their marketing strategies and practices.

Your Task
Select an established local, non-food, retail service organization/brand as the focus of this task.

This organization/brand must have existed prior to “the digital age” and must operate at a national +/or international level, with a presence in Singapore. It must also be sufficiently established to provide appropriate and adequate evidence to illustrate and support the discussion.

Thoroughly research your chosen organization/brand and the marketing environment within which it operates, to:

  • Critically evaluate the challenges faced by those responsible for marketing the organization/brand in the digital era. (50% weighting).
  • Critically evaluate the transformations in their marketing practices and thinking that is occurring in response to changes in the social environments and the competition and whether they are adopting an integrative approach.

Your work should be underpinned with theory and illustrated with evidence from a range of recent, credible academic and practitioner sources

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