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Identify factors within the marketing environment that is driving the need for sustainable behavior. Assess the extent to which organizations are currently dealing with the sustainability issues facing their industry. Critically evaluate different approaches to sustainable marketing activities within a specific organization. Demonstrate tr
Sipsynergy was born from a history of software development as a service provider arm of Sector Six. Sector Six is a software company that makes software for Cisco UC applications and markets this software to service providers around the world. Cloud services are reshaping the market for telecom operators, and the change in the competitive landsc
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As the Sustainability Manager within an organization of your choice, you have been asked to deliver a presentation to the Senior Management Team that outlines the sustainability issues within the industry and proposes a new, sustainable product or service address one or more of these issues. Present a Triple Bottom Line analysis that identifies
Born in San Francisco, Hint, Inc. was founded in 2005 by entrepreneur Kara Goldin. Hint delivers refreshments without sugar, diet sweeteners, calories, or preservatives. It started as a healthy lifestyle brand best known for its flagship product, hint water - a delicious, unsweetened flavored water (Hint, 2023). The characteristics of Hint inc
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Analyse And Classify An Organization’s Current E-Business Strategy, Identifying Its Strengths And Weaknesses Relative To Those Of Its Direct Competitors. Effective analysis and classification of an organization’s current e-business strategy require thoroughly researching their direct competitors’ projects and identifying the strengths and wea
Hosted telephony is where your phone system is housed in the cloud, rather than in your office. It is ideal for small and large businesses, call centers, and customer support departments. Cloud telephony means you will not need any old telecom lines and all your business communication will be switched to the cloud. Also known as hosted telephony,
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The nature of today’s global business environment means that contemporary organizations are faced with a range of challenges and opportunities presented by increasing levels of uncertainty, ambiguity, and complexity. In order to be successful organizations need to find ways to be innovative, work with, and indeed proactively exploit these conditi
Justify the significance of innovative thinking and idea generation to support responses to organizational challenges, threats, and opportunities. Critically evaluate current approaches and thinking within organizations to generate an idea as an innovative response to a contemporary organizational issue. Synthesize research to generate and c
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Learning Outcomes Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of the key principles, rules and concepts in Equity and the Law of Trusts. Show competence in the application of relevant legal principles to problem scenarios. Apply trust-based solutions to contemporary legal issues. Construct clear legal arguments in grammatically correct English. O
Part 1 Evaluate existing business processes by applying appropriate concepts, theories, and methods Using the specific operations performance objectives it can be argued that Primark UK is focused on satisfying its customers’ requirements for fast and dependable services at a reasonable market price, through strategic partnerships that assist i