Dimensions International College (DIC) Questions

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BM4001: You are appointed as an IT Manager of a Leading Business in Singapore and your Remit is to Study the Information Management and Technology Requirements for Your Organization: Managing Information and Technology Report, DIC

Program: Higher Diploma in Hotel Management Report MODULE SYNOPSIS AND LEARNING OUTCOMES Module Synopsis The aim of the module is to introduce the student to the role and function of management information systems in a business operation and introduce the technique for effective collection, storing, and analyzing data for effective decision-maki

BM4003: You have been Hired as the Marketing Manager of an Organisation in Singapore of Your Choice: Marketing Assignment, DIC

Assignment Brief: CASE/ SCENARIO You have been hired as the marketing manager of an organisation in Singapore of your choice. Your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has directed you to conduct a training workshop for your staff to provide them with the knowledge and skills relating to the key concepts and functions of marketing in the related industr

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BM4007: You Have Been Hired as the Administration Manager of an Organization of Your Choice Your Chief Executive Officer (CEO) has Directed You to Conduct a Training: Business Operation Assignment, DIC

Module Synopsis The aim of this module is to provide learners with the understanding and skills to manage operations in a business workplace to improve their effectiveness and efficiency. Students will be exposed to the areas such as business processes and functions, planning work activities, managing work activities, ensuring quality products and

BM3001: The East Asia and Pacific regional economy slowed to an estimated 0.9% last year: Introduction to Economics Assignment, DIC

ASSIGNMENT BRIEF CASE/ SCENARIO Recent developments: The East Asia and Pacific regional economy slowed to an estimated 0.9% last year. The severity of the COVID-19 pandemic shock was uneven, however. In China and Vietnam, which effectively controlled the spread of the virus, GDP is estimated to have expanded by 2% and 2.8% respectively. Activity

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