Edinburgh Napier University (ENU) Questions

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PSY009700: You have been Asked by Smithson Care Company to Advise them on Selecting a Graduate: Work Psychology Assignment, ENU

The task for this first assessment is: You have been asked by Smithson Care Company to advise them on selecting a Graduate to fill the post of Public Relations and Marketing Assistant. You will design a selection process that will help them select the best candidate. Write a report documenting a selection process that could be used to select this

PSY09701: Evaluate the Evidence Suggesting We are Getting Smarter Over the Generations: Individual Differences Essay, ENU

Assignment Questions: Question 1: Evaluate the evidence suggesting we are getting smarter over the generations. Topic / Module Guidelines: Evidence for a reasonable change in intelligence levels across generations In the Thumbnail lecture on intelligence, you were very briefly introduced to a research programme that has been studying the extent

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HRM 09703: [The] Traditional Psychological Contract is Alive and Well: Organisational Change Management Essay, ENU

1. “[The] traditional psychological contract is alive and well.” (Guest and Conway, 2002) Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give reasons for your answer, making reference to theory to support your arguments. 2. What are the main differences between management and leadership, and how can a leader influence the outcome of a proposed

HRM 09703: The Psychological Contract is Still Very Traditional as Opposed to Transactional: Organisational Change Management Essay, ENU

Essay 1 The psychological contract is still very traditional as opposed to transactional – do you agree? Discuss and give reasons, supported by the appropriate theory, in your answer. Key Points Define the traditional psychological contract, and discuss its changing nature from relational to transactional. Discuss the quote in the context

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PSY09701: Do Intelligence and Personality Explain Team-Working: Individual Differences Essay, ENU

Essay Topic: Do intelligence and personality explain team-working? You are expected to structure your answer as a persuasive essay. You should refer to at least one theory of personality, at least one theory of intelligence, and empirical research articles. You should demonstrate wider reading and are expected to read beyond the main textbook. 1

NUR09721: Describe the Pathophysiology of the Allocated Condition, Supported by relevant Academic: Management of Chronic Disease Assignment, ENU

Management of Chronic Disease Assessment Introduction This should include a definition of what chronic disease is and an explanation of your chosen/allocated condition, along with a brief overview of its epidemiology and etiology. The introduction must also outline how you searched for academic evidence to support this portfolio to answer the lear

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HRM08701: Critically Analyze the Importance of Job Analysis Within Recruitment and Selection: Introduction to Human Resource Management Assignment, ENU

Section A: Recruitment and Selection 1. Critically analyze the importance of job analysis within recruitment and selection and exploring the implications of failing to undertake job analysis AND write a job description for a job you are familiar with. 2. Critically assess the drivers and barriers of utilizing E-recruitment and consider the implic

Write Out an Income Statement in the Standard Format with Headings of Cost of Sales, Selling: Managerial Finance Assignment, ENU

What is the module about? After studying this module you should be able to: Calculate and explain the significance of key ratios for assessing the financial position of the firm. Analyze corporate performance from an internal and external perspective Apply a range of management accounting techniques to various business situations relating to

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NUR09718: Explain the Term ‘Hierarchy of Evidence’: Advancing Practice through Research Assignment, ENU

PART 1: Finding evidence (250 words) [1] Explain the term ‘hierarchy of evidence’. Use a reference to support your definition. [2] List four search terms you would use to find literature on your chosen scenario and explain why you have chosen each term in the table below. Search Term Used Explanation (a)   (b)   (c)   (d)

NUR09722: Vignettes are Designed to Give a Brief Description of the Characteristics- Theory and Ethical Reasoning in Nursing Practice Assignment, ENU

Assignment Details: Vignettes are designed to give a brief description of the characteristics related to a clinical case and/or situation that will give context to your chosen ethical dilemma. Therefore, we suggest you consider an ethical situation you have experienced in practice and reflect on the ethics of the situation. Bear in mind that altho

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