Harvard Business School (HBS) Questions

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Discuss the effect and impact to international business of key economic factors such as inflation, unemployment rate, trade, GDP and FDI : International Business in Emerging Markets, Assignment, HBS

Assuming you are a Business Consultant with a Top Management Consulting firm. You have been approached by a client on the selection of an emerging economy to invest and establish operation. Your task is to prepare a report discussing topics that addresses today’s International Business Concerns and Challenges. Your report should be based upon you

Mergers and Other Corporate Reogranisations, Assignment, HBS

Flagstar Companies Case: Questions 1. What kind of restructuring makes sense for Flagstar? Consider a workout (i.e. a restructuring out-of-court), pre-packaged Chapter 11 bankruptcy and Chapter 11 (without pre-pack). What kinds of companies make the best candidates for a pre-pack? 2. What do you think of DLJ’s and Jefferies’ competing valuatio

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Pharmacy Service Improvement at CVS (A): On a Thursday afternoon in July of 2002 Jon Roberts, Josh Flum,Tom Grossi, and Mitch Betses walked: Supply Chain Management Strategies, Assignment, HBS

Pharmacy Service Improvement at CVS (A) On a Thursday afternoon in July of 2002 Jon Roberts, Josh Flum, Tom Grossi, and Mitch Betses walked into a cluttered conference room at CVS headquarters in Woonsocket, Rhode Island. For several months, the room had served as the data repository, meeting space, and nerve center for the company's Pharmacy Servi

Critically analyze the usefulness of its corporate social responsibility report to its stakeholders for your chosen company: Corporate Social Responsibility Report, HBS

Select a public listed company from the Singapore Exchange. Using its latest corporate social responsibility report, critically analyse the usefulness of its corporate social responsibility report to its stakeholders for your chosen company. Examine the ethical issues that the company may encounter in the conduct of its business. You are required t

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Consider the internal and external environment for Apple and its competitors using concepts: Corporate Strategy Case Study, HBS

Assignment questions: a. Consider the internal and external environment for Apple and its competitors using concepts such as PESTEL, Porter’s 5 Forces, BCG, Teece Dynamic Capabilities, SWOT analysis, VRIO or Business canvas etc. b. Based on your evaluation of the internal and external environment, what are some of the challenges faced by Apple

My name is Kurt Meyer, Chief Risk Officer at Swissgrid, the Swiss electricity transmission system operator: Enterprise Risk Management Research Paper, HBS

My name is Kurt Meyer, Chief Risk Officer at Swissgrid, the Swiss electricity transmission system operator, which manages one of Europe’s most stable electricity networks. My company transmits power at 380 and 220 kilovolts through 122 substations across an electricity grid more than 6,700 kilometers long. In the highly monopolistic days of the

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Arrow had come a long way in the electronics industry since its inception in 1935 as a retailer of radio equipment: Arrow Electronics Case Study, HBS

Arrow had come a long way in the electronics industry since its inception in 1935 as a retailer of radio equipment. As the electronics industry had changed with the advances in semiconductor technology, so had Arrow. From the invention of the transistor in 1947, to the introduction of the microprocessor in the 1970s, the products that defined the i

You have just been hired as a brand manager at Kelsey-White, an American multinational consumer goods company: Strategic Decision Making Assignment, HBS

You have just been hired as a brand manager at Kelsey-White, an American multinational consumer goods company. Recently the firm invested in the development of K-W Vision, a series of systems and processes that allow the use of up-to-date data and advanced analytics to drive informed decision-making about K-W brands. The year is 2019. The system is

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It is important for managers to understand where their business fits in the market, vis-a`-vis the competition: Aviation Strategic Management Essay, HBS

Introduction It is important for managers to understand where their business fits in the market, vis-a`-vis the competition. Without this knowledge, it is difficult to identify a differential advantage that will give the necessary competitive edge to attract the target customer. This is straightforward logic yet many managers may be unlikely to rev

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