James Cook University (JCU) Questions

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LB5402 : The aim of this assessment is to apply the theories, framework and tool kits to assess : Performance Management and Appraisal, Report, JCU

ASSESSMENT ITEM 1: DESCRIPTION The aim of this assessment is to apply the theories, framework and tool kits to assess and analyse the challenges in performance management and appraisal. Instructions: 1. Read the case study “The Empress.”. The case study would be made available on your LearnJCU on Week 1 of your semester. 2. From your case, yo

In the business report, provide a description of the implementation of your five decision models (the standard clubhouse: Business Analysis, Assignment, JCU

Part 3: Business Report and Communication (40%) In the business report, provide a description of the implementation of your five decision models (the standard clubhouse, the original exclusive clubhouse and the three options for the exclusive clubhouse). Your analysis should focus on comparing the four models (the standard and the three options of

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Spreadsheet Model Implementation: Business Analysis, Assignment, JCU

Part 2: Spreadsheet Model Implementation (30%) Here, it includes the Excel and Solver implementation of your five (5) models. 1. Standard club house model 2. Exclusive club house model (original specification) 3. Three (3) options of the exclusive club house (see case detail descriptions). Clearly state what have changed in each of the three op

In the action plan you have to describe the process you will undertake to transform the business problem into a set of mathematical equations: Business Analysis, Assignment, JCU

Part 1: Action Plan (30%) In the action plan you have to describe the process you will undertake to transform the business problem into a set of mathematical equations using the four steps approach. 1. Identify the decision variables – the unknown values that the model seeks to determine. 2. Identify the objective function – the quantity to

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Business analytics and decision modelling approaches to develop a business report: Business Analysis, Assignment, JCU

The aim of this assessment is to apply business analytics and decision modelling approaches to develop a business report (proposal) for a given business scenario using Excel and Solver as decision model implementation and solving tools. Instructions You are the Cunningham Holdings senior Business Analyst working with Oscar Cunningham the CEO of the

LB5234: Leadership to me is the ongoing process of guiding in a way that influences others with similar mindsets: Leading and Managing Organisational Change Assignment, JCU

INTRODUCTION Leadership to me is the ongoing process of guiding in a way that influences others with similar mindsets to work cordially to reach a certain goal. The ability to take responsibility for a set of people and guide them towards the greater good is a major part of leadership. A person who can be relied upon to solve or tackle an issue, w

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Oscar Cunningham has conducted extensive research to support this Golf Course development proposal: data analysis and decision modelling Assignment

The Scenario - Golf Course Requirement Oscar Cunningham has conducted extensive research to support this Golf Course development proposal. He consulted with designers and managers of golf courses across the world to determine the key criteria required for golf course design and how this translated into attracting golfers into a successful golf r

Choose any Fashion company and write a report based on details shown in the table below: PHRM Report, JCU

Choose any Fashion company and write a report based on details shown in the table below.  Description Words 01 Introduction of the chosen company, nature of its business and its general plans for the future. 02 Job analysis that includes (job description and job specification) of a chosen department or a position in the company. 03 Job design o

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To complete this assessment, you will report findings for a study based on the data and information provided: Design and analysis for professional psychology Assignment, JCU

Assignment Requirements his is an individual assessment. For this assessment, you are not writing an entire APA7-formatted research report. For Part A, you are writing the Method and Results sections. Because you will need to include references in your Method section (at least), you will also need to include a Reference list. The word limit is 1

Employees’ annual bonus and salary increment are computed based on employee performance: Introduction To Computer Science Individual Assignment, JCU

Question 3 Employees’ annual bonus and salary increment are computed based on employee performance. Bonus multiplier and salary increment percentage are defined in the below table, Employees’ performance rating is maintained in a file that contains employee ID, employee name, employee salary, and employee performance rating (1, 2, or 3). Des

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