Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS) Questions

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Identify and Describe an Emerging theme Related to one of the Following Areas: Business And Marketing Management Assignment, MDIS

Task 1:  identify and describe an emerging theme related to one of the following areas (course pathways): Marketing Communications (Advertising and Public Relations) Sustainable Marketing Digital Marketing Global Marketing Task 2: Undertake research into your chosen theme to provide a critical evaluation of the alternate perspectives. T

HDPD22114A: Identify Three key Events in your life Using the Concepts and Theories in Psychology, analyze these key events: Higher Diploma In Psychology Essay, MDIS

Individual Assignment – Essay Identify three key events in your life. Using the concepts and theories in Psychology, analyze these key events. Structure of Essay: i) Key Event 1 (description + analysis) ii) Key Event 2 (description + analysis) iii) Key Event 3 (description + analysis) Content: Research, arguments, and relevance Application: A

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Conduct a study on the Effectiveness of their Operations in the Selected Organization: Advance Diploma in Management Studies Assignment, MDIS

Advance Diploma in Management Studies Production and Operation Management Operations management refers to the administration of best business practices in order to achieve the maximum levels of effectiveness and efficiency in terms of the use of company resources. This includes the proper management of materials. machinery. technology. and labor

A Marketing Research on Anyone Food Establishment in Singapore :Diploma in Travel, Tourism and Hospitality Management Assignment,MDIS

Working title A Marketing Research on anyone Food Establishment in Singapore (preferably Canadian Pizza) Research question or questions (Ensure what you write in this section logically requires a question mark) Max 3 What is the relationship between customer service and customer satisfaction? How to improve customer satisfaction? What k

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ASB-1600: In View of the Dynamic Nature of the Marketing Environment, to What Extent do You Consider: Marketing Assignment, MDIS

Brief: In view of the dynamic nature of the marketing environment, to what extent do you consider consumers to be, in practice, central to marketing activities? cta_question_2 Learning Outcomes In completing this assignment student should be able to: explain the nature of the environment within which marketing takes place display an unders

Discuss and Illustrate with Examples What are the Four International Business Strategies: Introduction to Business and Management Assignment, MDIS

Instructions: You are to work in a group that consists of 3 or 4 people. Assignment Brief: Discuss and illustrate with examples what are the four international business strategies a business can consider when going overseas. Write a report of about 1,500 words on an organization of your choice and support your discussion with relevant examples

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The Staff at MultiTech, Along with Many Others in the World, had to Work From Home: Ergonomics Assignment, MDIS

Assignment Task The staff at MultiTech, along with many others in the world, had to work from home suddenly at the onset of the Covid 19 pandemic. At the time it was not known how long this would be for, but it became apparent that working at home was going to become a long term way of working. Staff was asked to use their own personal equipment o

Assess the Investment Returns and Risk of a Selected Company Against a Competitor: Investment Assignment, MDIS

Assignment Brief: This is an individual assignment that requires you to assess the investment returns and risk of a selected company against a competitor in the industry for the specified investment time period. The nature of the relationship between the two investments needs to be evaluated to determine whether there is any diversification benefi

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You are the IT Manager Working for a Hotel Chain: Case Study Assignment, MDIS

Case: You are the IT manager working for a hotel chain. The hotel provides the floor as shown in the appendix. The hotel has a class C public address space. The network number is The hotel provides a number of eateries, office, accommodation, and conference like services. They would like to claim that all facilities have access t

Evaluate the Changing Consumer Perception of the Consumption of “Organic Food Products”: Consumer Psychology Assignment, MDIS

Assignment Overview: Question 1 1. Evaluate the changing consumer perception of the consumption of "organic food products" today. The precedence of exposure to sensations before perception in relation to the purchase of organic food products The possible exposure to the five (5) senses and the application of sensory thresholds in influencing t

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