Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) Questions

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BM5922 You are required to reflect and write about ONE (1) company or brand that you have patronized in the Food and beverage Industry: Customer Experience Management and Design Individual Assignment, NYP

1. Requirements You are required to reflect and write about ONE (1) company or brand that you have patronized in the Food and beverage Industry. You should have experienced interacting with the company through ONE (1) touchpoint, which may be the physical outlet or e-commerce site). Types of businesses in the Food and beverage industry may include,

BM1984 Select a company and obtain a copy of the Collective Agreement (CA) that is valid as of the date of issue of this ICA: Employee Relations Management Assignment, NYP

Project Outline This individual project constitutes 50% of the overall assessment for the module, BM1984 Employee Relations Management. The project covers the following topics: • Introduction to Tripartism in Singapore • Dynamics of collective bargaining • Effective management of grievances and disputes • Employee participation and recognit

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BM1987 The ability to provide a clear and accurate summary of background, scope, and coverage of the Employment: Employment Law Assignment, NYP

Assessment This project carries a total of 100 marks and constitutes 50% of the overall grade for the module. The breakdown of marks is as follows: The ability to provide a clear and accurate summary of background, scope, and coverage of the Employment Act relating to the case study  20 Identify and explain any potential violations of the Emp

HS2255: Select any prescribed/debated scenario during tutorial lessons, or other ethical encounters related to healthcare: Law & Ethnics Assignment, NYP

Assignment requirement Students are required to: A. Select any prescribed/debated scenario during tutorial lessons, or other ethical encounters related to healthcare that you have experienced during clinical placement or personal encounter, that you feel most ethically resonated with and when an ethical dilemma was felt. B. Use one of the two refl

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BM1984 learners are to assume the role of an Industrial Relations Officer (IRO) in a chosen registered business entity in Singapore: Employee Relations Management Assignment, NYP

1.         Learning Outcomes After the completion of this project, learners will be able to: Explain the concept of Tripartism, as well as the role and activities of employers, trade unions, and the government in industrial relations. Examine the foundations of effective collective bargaining. Review the importance of effective grie

ICA1: BM4328 Fashion designer – Kiichiro Asakawa is keen on launching his fashion line in Singapore and would like to hold a launch event in Singapore: Managing Global Events Assignment, NYP

Project Outline This project constitutes 30% of the overall assessment for the module, BM4328 Managing Global Events. The project covers topics from Lectures 3, 4, 5 & 6. It is designed to give learners a first-hand experience of applying the knowledge attained in the aforesaid topics. This is an individual assignment. This assessment aims to

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Students are required to identify ONE (1) of the facilities available within your neighborhood that support care transition: HS3225 Transition and Palliative Care Assignment, NYP, Singapore

Instructions Students are required to identify ONE (1) of the facilities available within your neighborhood that support care transition. The report must include the following:  Choose ONE (1) of the facilities that you have identified within your neighborhood.  Assume the role of a case manager, discuss who will benefit from the chosen facil

BM1982: Describe ways to measure the success of change initiatives using the different methods of evaluating CM: Organisation Development and Change Management Essay, NYP

Describe ways to measure the success of change initiatives using the different methods of evaluating CM. Explain the sustained change in an organization by listing down various tell-tale signs. Describe the potential pitfalls in sustaining change in terms of the impact on various stakeholders in an organization. Identify communication stra

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BM1983: Compare and contrast the pros and cons of possible modes of entry, suggesting the ideal mode of entry to Qatar: Strategic International Human Resource Management Case Study, NYP

Compare and contrast the pros and cons of possible modes of entry, suggesting the ideal mode of entry to Qatar. Discuss in detail, the top FIVE (5) significant international HR issues GlobalCorp may face when entering Qatar. Provide comprehensive details and explanations to support your analysis. Provide creative and actionable recommendatio

BM2984: Perform descriptive statistics central tendency, and standard deviation to analyze each of the main variables provided in the dataset: HR Analytics Assignment, NYP

Perform descriptive statistics central tendency, and standard deviation to analyze each of the main variables provided in the dataset, presenting the data in a table form. The CHRO proposed that the firm should hire more employees below the age of 35, however, the CTO worries that this would be a trade-off creating a scarcity of experienced pr

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