National University of Singapore (NUS) Questions

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It appears that public awareness among Singaporeans about some aspects of pharmaceutical legislation in Singapore may be lacking: Pharm Law Assignment, NUS

Case Study Graded Assignment It appears that public awareness among Singaporeans about some aspects of pharmaceutical legislation in Singapore may be lacking. Most Singaporeans may be aware of the existence of pharmaceutical legislation in Singapore but may not understand the intricate details. Their awareness of pharmaceutical legislation in Si

 To choose a company/business that uses Big data and Business Analytics to enhance its business: Research methods and business analytics Assignment, NUS

Assignment Remit Many businesses use big data and Business analytics to make better, informed decisions. Think about how Google, Netflix, and Starbucks collect and utilize data to manage their operations and enhance their success. These companies leverage business analytics to optimize various aspects of their operations, from improving user exper

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Use the image data in the directory to train a machine-learning hand sign classifier: Fundamentals Of AI Assignment, NUS

Questions 5 Image Classification Problems The folder contains 11 subfolders of different hand sign images namely a,b,c,d,e,i,m,n,s,x, and y. Use the image data in the directory to train a machine-learning hand sign classifier and a neutral networker hand sign classifier. Both the model's test data F1 score must be at least 0.9. Screen capture

Format the text dataset into the Bag of Words using Python’s Orange library. Then: Fundamentals Of AI Assignment, NUS

Questions 4 Topics Classification from the text Given a dataset named "" which includes sentences and corresponding labels indicating the topic of each sentence, complete the following tasks: Format the text dataset into the Bag of Words using Python's Orange library. Then, use the data to train Logistic Regression classifiers

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Develop a prototype with Machine Learning Model. Split the dataset into a training set and a testing set: Fundamentals of AI Assignment, NUS

Question 3 Prediction of insurance price using Regression models  A health insurance company has provided you with data about their customers and the amount of insurance paid for each customer. Your task is to develop a machine learning application that can predict the potential insurance amount for new customers. Here is a sample of some portio

Develop a Python Orange program to train a machine learning classifiers to classify the mobile phone price range: Fundamentals of AI Assignment, NUS

Question 2 Classification of Notes authenticity  You are given a dataset, Mobiledata.csv, which contains features of the phone and their price range. The price range is indicated by the numbers 0,1,2, or 3. Your task is to train a classifier that can accurately detect a mobile phone's price range. You are required to: Develop a Python Orange

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Apply the best algorithm in Python’s Orange library to group together images that share similar features: Fundamentals of AI Assignment, NUS

Question 1 Clustering of templates of different shapes Below are images of a pool of different logos. Apply the best algorithm in Python's Orange library to group together images that share similar features. Describe how the clustering algorithm used in Step a) is able to group images with similar features into the same cluster. Describe 2

BSS020C126S A very brief introduction to the disease, its causes and its relative importance in public health terms: Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes Research Paper, NUS

BSS020C126S - INTRODUCTION TO HUMAN DISEASE COURSEWORK GUIDELINES Summarise the trends in incidence and/or mortality over the past 10 years for ONE specific infective or non-infective disease (i.e. tuberculosis, melanoma, Alzheimer's, diabetes, etc.). Discuss the factors responsible for any trends in incidence/mortality observed for this specific

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Discuss the good practices in the design, maintenance or manufacture whichever is applicable: Medical Devices Research Paper, NUS

Subpart one: You will be assigned one medical device from the list according to your register number, write a report includes the 3 sections: 1. Description of the devices In your own words, summarize the purpose and use of the devices. Include pictures and diagrams where necessary to aid your description. Focus for this part should be on the foll

Implement a class Course for managing the registration of student for the class: Introduction to Programming Using Java Assignment, NUS

Question 3 Implement a class Course for managing the registration of student for the class. You need to implement the following sets of of methods for managing the registration of the student. (50 marks) - The name of the course. - The students who take the course. - The number of students (default: 0). - Creates a Course with the specified name

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