National University of Singapore (NUS) Questions

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Evaluate how a book retailer of your choice uses the principles of marketing management, and critically appraise how it may have been affected: Marketing Management Assignment, NUS

Evaluate how a book retailer of your choice uses the principles of marketing management, and critically appraise how it may have been affected as a result of market environmental challenges posed by Covid-19. Your work should include consideration of the following : 1) The marketing environment, and critical appraisal of how your chosen book retai

TIC4005: you will measure, reflect, and write up the behavior of various programs as the problem size scales: Parallel and Distributed Software Engineering Assignment, NUS

TIC4005 project 2 - MPI, Measurement Project 2: This project is not a software-development one. Instead, you will measure, reflect, and write up the behavior of various programs as the problem size scales. I expect this write-up to take no more than 10-20 pages. You can download the project programs from 1 Part 1: the first program - Matrix Mult

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understand current challenges to international trade in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Global Trade Operations Assignment, NUS

The purpose of this assignment is to understand current challenges to international trade in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and to identify the practices to reduce or eliminate the challenges. You are required to demonstrate in-depth understanding and analysis of the given topic by including challenge background, how this challenge will affec

SH5107: The pressure drop across a fabric filter is 22 mm w.g. when the volume flow rate: Industrial Ventilation Assignment, NUS

Question 1 (A) The pressure drop across a fabric filter is 22 mm w.g. when the volume flow rate is 2 m3/s cmm. Given: Total filtration area is 90 m2. Determine the clean filter resistance k (answer in mm w.g./ mps). Assume STP (21Β°C, 1 atm or 760 mm Hg). (B)Β  In question (A), if the air moves through the bag filter at 80Β°C and 1 atm (760 mm Hg

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MA5233: Write down the MATLAB conversion program that prompts user to input number as any integer and units as string.: Computational Mathematics Assignment, NUS

Question 1 (a) Convert the 4275 octal number to (6 marks) (i) Binary (ii) Decimal (iii) Hexadecimal (b) Calculate the following: (6 marks) (i) 10268 + 53258 (ii) 11112 * 1012 (iii) FECA16 + 87B616 Question 2 a) Given that 𝑋 = 𝑃𝑄 + 𝑄. 𝑅 + (𝑃. 𝑅 + 𝑃̅ + 𝑅̅.𝑄) i) Construct a logic circuit diagram for the above Boo

ACC3611: Corporate governance structures and models play a crucial role in the success of organizations, including their impact on Corporate Social Responsibility: Corporate Governance and Ethics Assignment, NUS

Assessment task details: Corporate governance structures and models play a crucial role in the success of organizations, including their impact on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Good corporate governance provides organizations with responsibilities not only for the economic consequences of their activities but also for social and environme

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For Mrs. Lim Calculate and interpret her current BMI, and estimate her desirable body weight range: Weight management Assignment, NUS

Dietary habits β€’ Busy with work, no time to β€’ Reported a recent decline in appetite β€’ Picky-eater β€’ Dislikes fruits exercise post-stroke and vegetables β€’ Likes to snack β€’ Eats mostly porridge β€’ Snacks while working for lunch and dinner watching β€’ Usually takes fast β€’ Avoids meat because television and food for lunch β€’

Canadian Coast Guard Restructuring On January 9, 2013, the then-Government of Canada announced that a new Inshore Rescue Boat Station: Introduction to Policymaking Assignment, NUS

Canadian Coast Guard Restructuring On January 9, 2013, the then-Government of Canada announced that a new Inshore Rescue Boat Station and Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue Assets would be located in Vancouver Harbour as well as the consequent closure of the Coast Guard Station located at Kitsilano. As you’re all located in Singapore, youβ€

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You should; depending on your own skills and experience, identify a suitable graduate position, or a placement with a chosen company: Career Preparation Assignment, NUS

Assignment brief Β Task 1: You should; depending on your own skills and experience, identify a suitable graduate position, or a placement with a chosen company.Β  You then need to analyse the external/internal environment for your chosen industry, company and produce a professionally presented targeted CV. You need to include the following items

ACC3601: present the financial affairs of a parent company and its legally distinct subsidiaries as if they were a single unified economic entity: Corporate Accounting and Reporting Assignment, NUS

The purpose of consolidated financial statements is to β€˜present the financial affairs of a parent company and its legally distinct subsidiaries as if they were a single unified economic entity (Huefner and Largay III, 1990, p. 26). However, problems persist in relation to consolidated financial reporting such as β€˜control when ownership is abse

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