National University of Singapore (NUS) Questions

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Demonstrate Knowledge and Understanding of the Values and Principles Behind Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion: Early Childhood Essay, NUS

Assignment A discursive essay about an issue related to equality & diversity that originates in your professional practice and that addresses policy, law and uses relevant theory appropriately. Requirement The essay must fulfill 4 learning outcome stated below Provide and Essay title. Word count 3000 How "Race" plays a role in terms of

Language Allows Humans to Express Our Ideas and is Believed to be an Innate: Language and the Brain Assignment, NUS

Language and the Brain: Infographic and Poster Language allows humans to express our ideas and is believed to be an innate instinct (Pinel& Barnes, 2014). There are many brain structures and neural processes implicated in the language (reading, writing, and communication). Illustrate your knowledge about any brain structure or the neural proc

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SE2211: Demonstrates the Usefulness and Importance of Looking at Processes in Southeast Asia: Social History of Southeast Asia Essay, NUS

What is it about? A topic of interest to you, preferably an essay that demonstrates the usefulness and importance of looking at processes in Southeast Asia from “below” i.e. from the powerless, marginalised, and even the vilified. The time frame of the essay Pre-Colonial, colonial, or post-colonial periods. You can even write about present

As a Researcher Working for a Local Academic Institution, You have been Tasked: Economics Assignment, NUS

Assignment Brief: The outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic which became publicly recognised in end-January 2020 has affected many economies worldwide. The pandemic has impacted the global hospitality and tourism industry directly and has been disrupting global supply chains since then, adversely affecting many countries around the world.

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Select and Analyse a Publicly Listed Company on Either the Australia Stock Exchange: Principles of Finance Report, NUS

Aim: The aim of this assessment is to collaboratively analyse a publically listed Company and generate a business report (1500 word) that recommends and justifies an appropriate weighted average cost of capital (WACC, Topic 7). Instructions 1. This is an individual assignment. 2. Select and analyse a publicly listed company on either the Austra

LL4164V/ LL5164V: PRP Consortium (“PRP”) is About Committed to a 30-year Concession: International Projects Law & Practice Assignment, NUS

Assignment Brief: PRP Consortium (“PRP”) is about committed to a 30-year concession with a South-East Asian government to construct and operate a national sports facility. Given the Covid-19 pandemic, PRP is anxious about its financial projections in the initial years as well as the timeframe and costs of construction. cta_question_2 You hav

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Using a Family-centered Approach, Discuss the Management of a 40-year-old Woman: Women and Children Health Essay, NUS

Topic: Using a family-centered approach, discuss the management of a 40-year-old woman, who is newly diagnosed with Breast Cancer, and her 5-year-old child with an existing Bronchial Asthma condition: Its impact on the family and recommendation for clinical practice. Breast Cancer is the most common cancer amongst women in Singapore (MOH, 2019),

Give Three (3) Examples of Behaviour that might Characterize an Enmeshed Family: Counselling Psychology Assignment, NUS

1. Give three (3) examples of behaviour that might characterize an enmeshed family and three (3) examples of behaviour that might characterize a disengaged family. 2. What communication patterns/messages have been passed from your family-of-origin (F00), representing key intergenerational transmissions? To what extent have you been influenced by t

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GES1003: Critically Discuss How Covid-19 has Impacted a Singapore Landscape: Changing Landscapes of Singapore Assignment, NUS

Aims of the Assignment To assess your ability to observe and describe changes to Singapore’s landscapes To assess your ability to apply geographical concepts such as space, place, flows, and networks To test students’ understanding of material and symbolic landscapes cta_question_2 What do you need to do? Critically discuss how Covid-

Download the Most Recent 5-years of Monthly Stock Price History for Two Large Market: Investment Portfolio Management Assignment, NUS

Assignment Questions: 1. Download the most recent 5-years of monthly stock price history for two large market capitalisation stocks from Yahoo Finance (click the Investing tab followed by the Historical Prices tab). Create a time series of monthly returns from this time series of monthly stock prices. Calculate the annualised mean return, standard

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