National University of Singapore (NUS) Questions

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You are Employed by a Leading Logistics Company in a Business Development Role: Logistics Solutions Assignment, NUS

Assignment Overview: You are employed by a leading logistics company in a business development role. Your Divisional Director has recently attended a networking event where (s)he learned of a ban on waste plastic imports to China. (S)He had thought that most of the packaging waste recovered by the company had been exported to China and Malaysia a

The CD Pharmaceutical Ltd Consists of a Main Building Which will be Converted: Electronic Security Assignment, NUS

Security Project Assignment: 1. The CD Pharmaceutical Ltd consists of a Main Building which will be converted into a Research Lab and Storage Area for Pharmaceutical products (consisting of controlled drugs). The Main Building consists of two (2) levels - 1st and 2nd storey. 2. Controlled drugs are delivered to various private hospitals in Singap

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You are on an Afternoon Shift and While Speaking to a Resident Named Mary Notice: Law and Ethics for Nursing Assignment, NUS

Inquiry for Professional Practice (NURSING) Assessment 2 Decision-Making Case Study Guidelines The purpose of this assessment is to identify the principles of professional nursing practice, outline the ethical and legal frameworks for professional practice, and apply them to a complex scenario in order to establish an ethically and legally sound de

You are a Newly Appointed Safety, Health, and Wellbeing Manager: Engagement & Wellbeing Case Study, NUS

Assignment Requirement: You are a newly appointed Safety, Health, and Wellbeing Manager at the company described in the case study. The company has recently undertaken a health, wellbeing, and engagement survey of its workers. The findings have been presented to the Board of Directors (see report and presentation provided within the case study) wh

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An Energy Company Hires an Engineer to Size a Solar PV Rooftop System: Solar Energy Assignment, NUS

Assignment Overview: An energy company hires an engineer to size a solar PV rooftop system off-grid in Cairns (16.9186° S, 145.7781° E, GMT+10) to supply a household daily average energy demand of 12 kWh/day, assumed constant during the year. The sun irradiations at the summer solstice, winter solstice, and at the equinoxes and the average temper

SH5107: In Smoking One Non-filter Cigarette, a Smoker Inhales 350 ml of Aerosol: Industrial Ventilation Assignment, NUS

Question 1 A.In smoking one non-filter cigarette, a smoker inhales 350 ml of aerosol containing 20 mg of tobacco smoke particles. What is the mass concentration of cigarette smoke in mg/m3? B If the particles in Question (A) are unit-density spheres 0.4 micron (μ) in diameter, how many particles does the smoker inhale from one cigarette? Given:

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You are to Submit a Research Report based on the Issues of the Trade War and Expected to Conduct: Issues In Global Economy Assignment, NUS

Overview: Task: You are to submit a research report based on the issues of the trade war and expected to conduct in-depth research and analysis on the subject matter and include the following points: Provide a brief history of the recent trade war between the United States of America (USA) and China. cta_question_2 Identify the opportunities

The Outbreak of the COVID-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Which Became Publicly Recognized: Principles of Economics Essay, NUS

Assignment Overview: Focus on the economic impact of COVID-19 on your chosen industry. 1. number of job losses in your chosen industry. 2. revenue or sales loss in your chosen industry 3. profits loss or costs incurred in your chosen industry 4. spillover effects of the loss in your chosen industry to other industry Finally, if you need to bul

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A Road Safety Measure is Being Considered as an Intervention at a Site: Quantitative Methods Statistics Assignment, NUS

Assignment Questions: Question 1 A road safety measure is being considered as an intervention at a site where the long-term mean frequency of injury accidents is reckoned to be 4 per year. Calculate the range of numbers of accidents occurring during a 3-year monitoring period that will indicate that this measure is effective. cta_question_1 Questi

As Part of Developing a Global Perspective for the Organization in Support of the New Board: Change Management Assignment, NUS

Question 1: Develop a Team Plan As part of developing a global perspective for the organization in support of the new Board of Director’s strategic initiative for the organization to go regional in the next 12 months, you’ve been assigned to head a team drawing members from across the organization to spearhead a benchmarking project. The prima

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