Republic Polytechnic (RP) Questions

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S3709C: You are to journey with an individual who is undergoing an exercise programme. This individual may be on the exercise programme: Fitness & Conditioning Assignment, RP

You are to journey with an individual who is undergoing an exercise program. This individual may be on the exercise program to improve fitness, lose body weight, manage body weight, enhance well-being, socialize with like-minded individuals, or some other reason. It is crucial that this individual is committed to an exercise program for at least th

S214: The athlete that I have identified is a Powerlifter, Chew Jun Feng (JF), who has competed at the tertiary and club level: Sports & Exercise Psychology Assignment, RP

The athlete that I have identified is a Powerlifter, Chew Jun Feng (JF), who has competed at the tertiary and club level. He had come in 3rd in the U66 sub-junior category in the Tertiary Powerlifting Union competition in October 2022. He plans to qualify to compete at the national level through a qualifier in December 2022. In addition to using t

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A2129C: The rise in awareness of pollution issues due to the usage of plastics calls for more sustainable packaging materials: Food Packaging Assignment, RP

However, the rise in awareness of pollution issues due to the usage of plastics calls for more sustainable packaging materials. As part of the packaging transformation team, you will review plastic-based food packaging available in the current market and the alternative sustainable packaging option. You are tasked to use 1 plastic-based packagin

S3729C: you are required to provide evidence of your competency in the development and implementation of a community exercise engagement session: Specialist Diploma in Sport Science and Wellness Assignment, RP

Section A Development and Implementation of an Exercise Engagement Session In this section, you are required to provide evidence of your competency in the development and implementation of a community exercise engagement session. Deliverables Marks A1. Conduct and record relevant pre-assessment procedures ACSM exercise readiness assessment) an

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S2769C: Mr. Sam Tan , a 70-year-old Chinese male, retired cleaner and currently unemployed: Health Promotion and Communication Case Study, RP

Case-Based Scenario on Health Promotion and Communication Case Study: Mr. Sam Tan Mr. Sam Tan , a 70-year-old Chinese male, retired cleaner and currently unemployed. He is obese and has several health and social issues. He has indicated having difficulties walking, headaches and shortness of breath. The doctor has previously diagnosed him with h

S3719C: you will first perform an initial diet analysis with recommendations to help your client meet his or her nutritional goals: Specialist Diploma in Sport Science and Wellness Report, RP

Case Study Write a report of a selected client. In working with your client, you will first perform an initial diet analysis with recommendations to help your client meet his/her nutritional goals. Followed by, preparing a second diet analysis with recommendations to fine-tune your initial recommendations. The report will be assessed based on th

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S3709C: propose a training regime to achieve the client’s goal(s) Maurice is a 40-year-old foreign exchange trader: Fitness and Conditioning Coursework, RP

Case study This assignment requires you to evaluate the given case study below and propose a training regime to achieve the client’s goal(s). Maurice is a 40-year-old foreign exchange trader. Due to the high stress in his job, he smokes and drinks quite often; which also resulted in being overweight and hypertensive. In a recent company check-u

Mr. Tan. In this report, recount the counselling process and justify your recommendations and decisions that Gerry needs to make to progress in his career: DIPLOMA IN COUINSELLING: CAREER COUNSELLING Report, RP

Assessment 2: Individual Assignment Career counseling is an integral activity in the counselling profession. To be effective, trained counsellors must function professionally and ethically throughout the counselling sessions. There are certain responsibilities expected before, during and after a formal assessment is conducted so that a career deci

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S3719C: Intermittent fasting has gained popularity in recent years However, emerging research shows that the purported benefits may not hold true: Sport and Exercise Nutrition Coursework, RP

Course : Specialist Diploma in Sport Science and Wellness CURRENT CONTROVERSIES IN SPORTS NUTRITION Course Work 1 requires students to examine recent debates in sports nutrition. Students will need skills to compress their findings based on the required word count while maintaining a comprehensive overview of the topic. Students are to select an

A2069C: Read the article Mango Fruit Processing Options for Small-Scale Processors in Developing Countries: Food Processing Technologies Assignment, RP

Mangos are one of the delicious fruits native to Southern Asia and are popular throughout the world. Regardless of the type of mango, they all contain vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which can provide important health benefits. For example, mangos are rich in vitamin C, which is important for forming blood vessels and healthy collagen, as wel

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