RMIT University (RMIT) Questions

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LAW 2629: This assessment is an individual assessment and consists of TWO parts: Company And Finance Law Assessment 2 Semester 3 2024, RMIT University

This assessment is an individual assessment and consists of TWO parts. The total mark for the assessment is 30 and is made up of: Written assessment: 20 marks  And Video presentation 10 marks. To obtain any marks for this assessment BOTH components must be completed. If only one part is completed, then NO marks will be awarded at all for t

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a better understanding of the nature, characteristics, and patterns of international trade and the trade policies and practices: Global Trade Operations, Report, RMIT University

The purpose of this assignment is to develop a better understanding of the nature, characteristics, and patterns of international trade and the trade policies and practices to ease or remove trade barriers, in the context of an economic trade zone. You are required to select an economic trade zone (e.g. European Union, ASEAN) and demonstrate a com

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BAFI1018: Final Assessment: You work for firm XYZ situated in the United States, and your boss has become concerned about the current economic environment: International Finance Assignment, RMIT, Singapore

You work for firm XYZ situated in the United States, and your boss has become concerned about the current economic environment, especially as it is related to the different types of exposures that your firm may face in the future. You are asked to provide a report, which evaluates your firm’s exposures, the risk management implications for your f

BUSM4154: Financial Analytics for Managerial Decisions, Assignment, RMIT

Scenario  Fashion Finesse Ltd: Kim Luong sits at her desk and contemplates the work assigned to her by her manager. Kim has recently graduated from RMIT University and had been hired as a junior analyst for a business consulting firm. Her company provides financial consulting services to a range of industry clients, and Kim’s role requires her t

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OMGT2228: Develop a product/service. You should first critically review the processes needed to develop a product by identifying: Operation management Research report, RMIT

Task: Develop a product/service and develop a comprehensive plan for the operation process. For this assignment, you are required to: Develop a product/service. You should first critically review the processes needed to develop a product by identifying the customer needs, defining the appropriate level of product/service quality, and considerin

OMGT2229: Draw a decision tree for each option reflecting the uncertainties over the next two periods: Strategic Supply Chain Assignment, RMIT

Task Questions to be done in Excel: a) Draw a decision tree for each option reflecting the uncertainties over the next two periods. Identify each node in terms of demand and variable cost (which may be affected by the fluctuations in the exchange rate) and the transition probabilities. Use two decimal points in your notation of variable cost, if n

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OMGT2229: CosyHome is a small home furniture store selling affordable trendy furniture for young people: Strategic Supply Chain Assignment, RMIT

Task 2: Sourcing Decision for CosyHome Description:CosyHome is a small home furniture store selling affordable trendy furniture for young people. One of the new products the store plans to sell at the beginning of next year (using the term ‘period’ to represent ‘year’ hereafter) is a vintage 5-tier bookcase. The company has historically ou

OMGT2229: What is the economic order quantity (EOQ) of 20-roll toilet paper packs per lot for Caltex if there is no volume discount?: Strategic Supply Chain Assignment, RMIT

Task Question to be done in Word: e) Caltex also sells toilet paper (in 20-roll pack), among other things. The average demand is 1,500 packs each month The petrol station incurs a fixed order placement, transportation, and receiving cost of $200 each time an order is placed with the supplier. It also incurs a holding cost of 10 per cent of the uni

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OMGT2229: Demand forecasting for 5 kg bag ice and inventory management of 20-roll pack of toilet paper at Caltex: Strategic Supply Chain Assignment, RMIT

Task 1: Demand forecasting for 5 kg bag ice and inventory management of 20-roll pack of toilet paper at Caltex Description:Demand for ice (in 5 kg bag) at Caltex – a petrol station in Melbourne – for the last five years are as follows: cta_question_3 Task Questions to be done in Excel: a) Estimate the demands for Quarters I, II, III, and

Propose ONE new strategic initiative for the organisation to implement: strategy Report, RMIT

1. Current business-level strategy Analyse the current business-level strategy using Porter’s Generic Strategy OR Miles and Snow Strategy typologies. Based on your analysis make and justify a recommendation for the most appropriate future business-level strategy that you selected. Apply the findings from your analysis in the A2 worksheet: Busin

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