RMIT University (RMIT) Questions

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MKTG1338: This section should include information that provides the relevant context for your analysis of the retailer’s online strategy: Omnichannel Retailing Assignment, RMIT

This section should include information that provides the relevant context for your analysis of the retailer’s online strategy. You should include the following: Brief description of the retailer and their website Description of the competitor and a rationale for choosing that competitor. Identification of any relevant industry or consumer tren

BUIL1311: Systematically undertake a research inquiry that meets established ethical guidelines and principles: Research Practice1 Assignment, RMIT

Learning Outcome Systematically undertake a research inquiry that meets established ethical guidelines and principles. Analyze and synthesize relevant literature and produce a literature review. Select and apply an appropriate research methodology. Plan an approach to primary and/or secondary data collection. cta_question_2

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MKTG1199: This is a summative piece of assessment that brings together your learning in the course over the semester: Marketing Principles Casestudy, RMIT

This is a summative piece of assessment that brings together your learning in the course over the semester. You are expected to complete this task individually without conferring with others. Your instructor will not be providing guidance or advice on any questions relating to this case study prior to submission although we will provide general s

BUSM3200: you are required to identify and explain key implementation aspects of your chosen strategy: Strategic Management Report, RMIT

you are required to identify and explain key implementation aspects of your chosen strategy. You are also expected to identify and explain which measures of effectiveness you would rely upon to evaluate the effectiveness and outcomes of the strategy. (a) Make recommendations about KEY strategic actions for our case study organization, so that it c

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Describe what and how you have incorporated this leader’s feedback into your plan: Leadership Assignment, RMIT

task 1. Describe what and how you have incorporated this leader’s feedback into your plan. 2. Describe how you will evaluate whether you have or have not reached the level of development set out in your plan and describe how the plan makes an impact on future lives and careers. cta_question_1

ECON1035: You must submit an electronic copy of your assignment in Canvas and See the attached Report Template for more details: Business Statistics1 Report, RMIT

You must submit an electronic copy of your assignment in Canvas. See the attached Report Template for more details. This assignment requires the use of Microsoft Excel.  If you have Windows, you will need to use the Data Analysis Tool Pack.  If you have a Mac with Excel 2011, you may need to use StatPlus: MAC LE. The Excel workbook you submit ne

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ACCT1080: You are currently taking a student placement at ‘Aquarius’,atop-tier accounting firm in their Advisory Services area: Critical Accounting Perspectives Report, RMIT

You are currently taking a student placement at ‘Aquarius’,atop-tier accounting firm in their Advisory Services area The Advisory Services rea of Aquar provides services to a diver range of clients from all sectors of industry. One of Aquarius’ clients has requested a report on a specific ‘Topic of Investigation’. You are to write this re

Provide a quality encounter of your learning and Reflect at a level that reveals deep insights: Ayven Zuo Essay, RMIT

Assessment Criteria This assessment will measure your ability to: Provide a quality encounter of your learning Reflect at a level that reveals deep insights Evaluate the significance and impact of your learning Implicate the significance of your learning to your future career Draw a meaningful conclusion Presentation cta_question_2

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BUSM4549: Describe how communication can be improved and Discuss how perception can influence communication: Management in Practice Report, RMIT

Learning outcomes Describe how communication can be improved Discuss how perception can influence communication Recognize how to deal positively with conflict Understand how to negotiate successful agreements Apply communication principles toward successfully landing a job cta_question_2

ECON1025: Mcdonald’s, a big burger joint, is charging $5 for its very famous Big Mac hamburger and sells around 20 million: Prices and Market Assignment, RMIT

Question 1 Mcdonald’s, a big burger joint, is charging $5 for its very famous Big Mac hamburger and sells around 20 million Big Mac in a year in Singapore. Suppose Mcdonald’s increases the price of its Big Mac to $6 and still manages to sell the same quantity as the Big Mac. How much revenue will Mcdonald’s gain? What can you infer about

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