RMIT University (RMIT) Questions

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BUSM4547: Describe the impact of the crisis on a person’s functioning in terms of their effect, behavior, and cognition specifically: Organizational Experience Assignment, RMIT

After a traumatic experience, it’s normal to feel frightened, sad, anxious, and disconnected. Nearly everyone will experience a range of reactions after trauma, yet most people recover from initial symptoms naturally. Those who continue to experience significant problems even after the danger has passed may be diagnosed with post-traumatic stress

BUS1704: Prepare the second part of an individual report based on the organization of your choice: Integrated Communications Assignment, RMIT

Prepare the second part of an individual report based on the organization of your choice, which focuses on the practical application of communication tools, and, develop a relevant marketing communications plan based on your findings from your communications analysis undertaken in Assignment 1. Assessment Criteria Undertake a critical review o

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BUSM4194: You are required to reflect on your own leadership qualities using diagnostic tools: Leadership and Decision Making Assignment, RMIT

You are required to reflect on your own leadership qualities using diagnostic tools. These will measure three specific areas of leadership and provide an indication of potential strengths and weaknesses. Alongside these, you will reflect on what you learned about the person you chose as an effective leader in Assessment 2. Based on your self-disco

BAFI1029: This is an individual task In this assessment, students are required to form one equity portfolio evaluate their risks and provide solutions: Derivatives and Risk Management Assignment, RMIT

Assessment Task This is an individual task. In this assessment, students are required to form one equity portfolio, evaluate their risks and provide solutions to manage the risk. The goal of this individual assignment is to gain a better understanding of the portfolio investment (in the US stock market) and risk management process. Below are the t

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what you have learned about the changing business environment in Singapore during the semester: Organisational Experience Report, RMIT

P1: Summarise what you have learned about the changing business environment in Singapore during the semester. Refer to the SG 2030 Plan and the UN-SDGs as the basis for the new business context. Discuss why this matters to Singapore’s business community, P2: Identify 3 positions from the jobs board from ONE industry sector. No matter what the se

Identify a sector in which you may want to apply for a position Identify a company for which you might like to work: Organizational Experience Case Study, RMIT

Overall assessment structure: Identify a sector in which you may want to apply for a position Identify a company for which you might like to work Analyse that company using the management theory tools you have learned to use in Assessments 1 & 2 Analyse one of the job descriptions you found and see if you can find a way to strengthen the desc

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OMGT2230: It is however found that SATS Ltd. has recently, acquired full ownership of the company with the aim of centralizing procurement and distribution: Supply Chain Technologies Report, RMIT

Formed from a joint venture between SATS Ltd. and BRF S.A. in 2015, SATS BRF has since become a prominent halal and frozen meat supplier in the region, specializing in meat processing and manufacturing of branded food products that are distributed to wholesalers and retailers. It is however found that SATS Ltd. has recently, acquired full ownership

BAFI 1005: Given your views about current and future market conditions, you should devise a trading objective and strategy that you will try to implement: Financial Markets and Institutions Assignment, RMIT

1. As a team, based on the individual market views each member in your team has completed in Stage 1, develop a market outlook and outline the Forex trading strategies you intend to undertake for the next 180-day period. 2. Given your views about current and future market conditions, you should devise a trading objective and strategy that you will

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MKTG 1052: Are the values upheld in the society consistent with the consumption of the product and Does the product appeal to a specific adopter category: Buyer Behaviour Assignment, RMIT

Culture and Subculture: Are the values upheld in the society consistent with the consumption of the product? Does the product appeal to a specific adopter category? Demographics: Is there an influence of age, gender, socioeconomic influences upon consumption? Group influence: Is there a reference group influence element on this product category?

ACCT1015: Precision Design Pty Ltd is an innovative industrial design firm providing realistic 3D digital imaging using the latest drafting technology: Accounting Behaviour and Organisations Assignment, RMIT

Case study Precision Design Pty Ltd is an innovative industrial design firm providing realistic 3D digital imaging using the latest drafting technology. Emma Janson founded the firm in 1981. She has seen it grow gradually over the last two decades. It now employs 18 designers and 10 support staff. Ten years ago, Emma decided that she was spending

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