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Question 1 Joe wishes to sell his motor scooter. On 1 October, he placed an advertisement in the Straits Times stating the details of the motor scooter, including its age, color, model, and condition. In addition, he also wrote, ‘Special Offer. Only $8,000. The sale price is valid on 15 October only. Tel: 90111111.’ On 5 October, Joe received
1 . Sketch a diagram of the closed-loop system for the speed control in order to maintain height at a set point, and write down the closed-loop transfer function. 2. Plot the system response. 3. Find the feedback gain that results in a step response that is less than 3% overshoot, and note down the rise time. Provide a plot and state the gain. 4
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PROBLEM 2: If the quadcopter designed is fitted with an altimeter that measures the height about the ground. 1. Sketch a diagram of the closed-loop system for the speed control in order to maintain height at a set point, and write down the closed loop transfer function. 2. Plot the system response. 3. Find the feedback gain that results in a ste
Write a journal article This assignment tests your ability to design a research project, create your own questionnaire, analyze data, and write up how you did so in a style consistent with a proper aviation management journal article. Make sure you read through this assignment brief and that you fully understand what is required of you. General aim
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Choose one factor affecting the physicochemical properties of proteins in food and discuss how each factor influences protein structure and function from the perspective of amino acid chemical characteristics. Use milk, soy, and egg white food proteins as examples to illustrate the points you make, and discuss the structural changes that occur
Nursing education has its foundation in Florence Nightingale back in the nineteenth century when she transited nursing into a profession through formal education, and made education her philosophy for professional nursing development. Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) has included nursing education in the Code for Nurses and Midwives (SNB, 2018). Nurs
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Drones-based logistics and delivery are more efficient and effective than human-based logistics when these drones are deployed for the last mile delivery. Drones are integrated into ESC coordination allowing the whole supply chain to effectively respond to the needs of consumers in a cost-saving way. The traditional logistics lack flexibility and r
The objective of this assessment is to develop a sound understanding of how the latest information technologies maintain their contributions to e-supply chain coordination. In particular, this report focuses on measuring performance and development issues of technology in e-supply chain coordination in a highly competitive business environment. Yo
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Review and analysis of the Dubai International Airport and Hong Kong International Airport air cargo markets and the air cargo business models defined and implemented by Dubai International Airport and Hong Kong International Airport and the key factors - Proximity to air cargo shippers, airline networks, including freighter services, airport infr
Clinical education is an essential part of developing high-quality healthcare professionals. Therefore, the teaching and learning activity is key to developing meaningful and quality lesson planning, translating to purposeful clinical training sessions at the workplace. Written Assignment - Critical Analysis of Teaching Activities In this assignm