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Scenario In developing countries like UAE, competition inspires the engineers of the future to turn their vision of sustainable mobility into reality. Hence manufactured products' quality must be inspected as per the international standards and procedures. calibration of the standard devices with those of a calibration standard of known accuracy i
Your task is to investigate the communications of a brand and then to recommend a brand communications strategy. The brand selected will be Loreal Singapore. The idea is that you dig into the communication activities of the brand and media, then evaluate them, and propose a strategy to improve their brand communications. Some of the elements you s
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You are part of a team that has been sent to the South Pole for experiments on the acceleration of gravity in extreme latitudes. After some initial thoughts, you presented the idea of using a conical pendulum. One member of the team asked how this experiment could be used to determine the gravitational pull at the location. You replied stating that
My topic is a Comparative study on sugar content, nutritional value, nutrient-content claims, and health-related claims of various brands of breakfast cereals marketed to children and adults in Malaysia. I need to do data analysis and discussion. Data analysis must use SPSS software and I have approved the research proposal with minor corrections.
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The most important aspects of any statistical analysis are defining the questions and collecting data. Hence, to have a full experience of running your own study, the project requires you to define the topics and collect relevant data. Your main task is to perform inferential statistics analysis using some real-world data of your choice. You shoul
You are working in the process industry as an IWSP student. Your industry supervisor has assigned you the task of identifying opportunities for improving energy efficiency, with the ultimate objective of reducing the monthly electricity bill. The process plant is highly automated and operates on a 24-hour basis. It takes power supply from the grid
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MODULE: Managing Operations & Supply Chain Purpose of the Assessment This assignment is designed to enable you to demonstrate an understanding of the role of statistical process control in informing management decisions relating to quality. Assessment Task You will conduct a review of the academic literature on the subject of statistica
AssignmentBrief This assignment requires you to conduct and report a review of literature on a topic related to sustainable energy sources. You should provide background information on an existing problem(s) that could be alleviated with the use of a renewable energy source, or improved with a more sustainable process. The energy source or process
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You are required to write an essay on the following 3 cases which deal with an engineer’s role in society and the application of ethical principles to engineering practice with regard to the professional responsibility of an engineer to public safety; the impacts of engineering activity: economic, social, cultural, environmental, and sustainabil
Question 1 The below graph plots the daily prices of Gold over time. a) Examine the plot and describe the issues that may arise when trying to forecast future Gold prices given this time series data. Offer solutions to these issues. b) Offer a suitable forecasting method for this data. Question 2 For each of the below ACF plots which are obta