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Assignment Brief: 1. Theory on the design and operation of a low-speed wind tunnel 2. Wind tunnel testing and computational fluid dynamics simulation, which is better cta_question_1
Background Modeling and system identification of the electromechanical system is an important tool for design and performance optimization. In practice, there is a need to optimize the power transfer from system inputs to the load. This requires a good knowledge of the system parameters to design and specify system parameters. Lumped Parameter Mo
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1. Non-linear pendulum equation To solve the non-linear ODE: d²θ/dt² + g/l sinθ = 0 with initial conditions: θ(0)=θο=0.2 rad; θ^º(0) = 0 rad/s Let the length l = 9.81 m and g = 9.81 m/s2 Define the two states for the equation Use ode45 to solve the equation for θ and dθ/dt or (𝜃𝜃̇) with respect to time for the initial
Assignment objectives The aim of this assignment is to expose you to real-life Macroeconomic issues. You are encouraged to research widely and think critically to complete all tasks. The objectives for this assignment are: (1) to provide you with the opportunity to apply concepts you learn in class, and (2) to develop competencies to work more eff
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Background A contactless distance measuring sensor is a useful tool in various applications including positioning, locating, dimensioning, selecting, leveling, controlling, and profiling. By performing additional mathematical calculations with the distance measurements, we can also estimate the speed and various other physical dimensions. Contactl
Assignment Problem: Perform Analysis using Source and Dispersion Models (Empirical and PG models)- Questions 'a, b, c, and d'. Deploy ALOHA software and generate the results with contours- Questions `c and d'. Summarize the results and do a comparison through your observation. cta_question_3 Problem: A road tanker containing Liquid Chlori
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Question 1 A flash distillation process is used to separate an equimolar mixture of methanol and water at 98,000 Pa. By conducting a literature search, find and extract the VLE data (table) for an equimolar mixture of methanol and water at 98,000 Pa. The data must be cited (referenced) appropriately.* By using a graphical method, derive an ap
Learning Outcomes: Understand what contemporary management issues and challenges are in modern organisations Apply relevant theories to critically examine contemporary management issues and formulate effective solutions to these issues Effectively communicate concepts and arguments learned in contemporary management in a logical, coherent, a
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Assignment Details: As part of your case study development. please scan the hospitality business environment in Singapore and the Asia Pacific region and carry out research on any Asia-based hospitality companies that may include. but not limited to. the following organizations: cta_question_3 As the newly appointed Vice President — Strategy
Assignment 1: Writing business emails Overview Objectives: To write a reader-centered business email To revise the email for clarity and conciseness Task You are working as an audit associate in an accounting firm. Recently, you have been tasked to liaise with Mr. James, an employee in a client company you are auditing, regarding evidence to