Singapore Management University (SMU) Questions

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H&M has Enjoyed a Leading Position in the Global Fashion and Apparel Market: Management Tools Case Study, SMU

Assignment Questions: 1. In which areas does H&M have strategic capabilities and what are they? What are H&M's threshold and distinctive resources and competencies? 2. In what areas and functions do H&M's strategic capabilities provide for competitive advantage? To what extent can they be sustained? To what extent can other fashion re

Described the Product in Detail and Explain the Classification of the Product: Marketing Assignment, SMU

Brief: Choose any one of the product that u know: 1. Described the product in detail and explain the classification of the product. 2. Explain in detail the selling process sequence before selling the product and why it is important? cta_question_2 3. Explain which types of questioning skills will you use to sell the product and why? 4. Descr

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How do the Dominant Supermarkets in Singapore Differentiate Themselves: Microeconomics Assignment, SMU

Individual Essay AIM: To assess the understanding of an important contemporary economic issue and to apply basic economic concepts to the analysis of the issue. The central theme uniting these diverse topics is discussing whether self-regulation can provide equitable and efficient outcomes or if there is a need for sophisticated government interve

You have Recently Appointed Management Accountant of Must Survive Pte Ltd: Management Accounting Assignment, SMU

Question 1 You have recently appointed Management Accountant of Must Survive Pte Ltd, a company operating in Singapore. The owner and CEO of the company have requested that you prepare a cash budget for the last three months of the current year ended 31 December 2020. The CEO is very concerned about the liquidity crisis that the company is facing

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You (i.e. the 3 or 4 member team) are the Senior Project Manager: Construction Management Assignment, SMU

Risk Management Plan for a Design‐and‐Build Project Case Background You (i.e. the 3 or 4 member team) are the senior project manager of a large construction company in Singapore. Since its establishment in 1990, it has completed numerous construction projects for the public and private sectors. Most of these projects are awarded based on the

Using the Audit Planning Process and Steps, Determine the Difference in Focus Auditors: Auditing Assignment, SMU

Assignment Brief: Students will research current cybersecurity threats that impact companies today. Using the audit planning process and steps, determine the difference in focus auditors need to take in order to address these threats. Based on your research, answer the following question: "Cybersecurity threats have changed the focus on how audi

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Your Expertise has been Recognized Internationally by an Australian City Council: Crime Prevention Essay, SMU

Essay Topic: Your expertise has been recognized internationally by an Australian City Council interested in obtaining your services. The Melville City Council in Perth, Western Australia has engaged you as a crime prevention consultant (assume this is post-COVID-19). The Council desires your services because of their concerns about the rising num

Your Client is a Public Sector Housing Development Board (HDB) Who is About to Invest: Project Economics and Management Assignment, SMU

CW1: Value Management Your client is a public sector Housing Development Board (HDB) who is about to invest SGD20.5M in a new-build multi-agency community Hub project on a brownfield site in a suburb of the city. The Hub project is intended to bring together and give residents access to a number of the local authority, leisure, and community servi

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In June 2008, Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino and Chairman Michael Cohl: Strategic Management Case Study, SMU

Read the following case study and answer the questions below: After 2000, how did technologies disrupt the traditional value chain of the music industry? What are the internal and external factors which drive the music industry evolution? Live Nation Faces the Music In June 2008, Live Nation CEO Michael Rapino and Chairman Michael Cohl debat

The Vikings Traded All Over Europe and as Far East as Central Asia: Supply Chain Management Assignment, SMU

Assignment Brief: The Vikings traded all over Europe and as far east as Central Asia. They bought goods and materials such as silver, silk, spices, wine, jewelry, glass, and pottery. In return, they sold items like honey, tin, wheat, wool, wood, iron, fur, leather, fish, and walrus ivory. Everywhere they went, the Vikings bought and sold slaves to

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