Singapore Management University (SMU) Questions

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Advancements in Healthcare have Resulted in an Extended Human Lifespan: Health Workforce and Planning Essay, SMU

Instructions: Choose ONE of the topics below and write a 2,500-word academic essay. The essay must comply fully with the Health Writing and Reference Guide located on the left-hand menu of the course site. Referencing must meet the requirements of the APA7 system. cta_question_3 Topic 1 Advancements in healthcare have resulted in an extended hum

Agenda Setting Gill & Colebatch Point Out that “What Terminology is Used becomes Important: Health Policy and Planning Assignment, SMU

Question 1: Agenda Setting Gill & Colebatch points out that “What terminology is used becomes important because it frames the way in which an issue or problem is thought about” (2006, p258). Examine Table 3.1 in Topic 3 Agenda Setting slides and lecture. Then do some research of your own and see if you can construct a similar table on ano

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You are a Patient Service Associate Working in a Public Hospital: Financial for Healthcare Assignment, SMU

Case Study You are a Patient Service Associate working in a public hospital. A Singaporean patient, Mr. Tan, has filed a complaint against the hospital to the Ministry of Health. Mr. Tan alleged that he was not given proper advice during Financial Counselling (FC) before his admission to the ward for his surgery. Records reveal that you were the p

Discuss the Benefits and Barriers in Telemedicine in an Outpatient Setting: Healthcare Operations Management Assignment, SMU

Assignment Overview: 1. Discuss the benefits and barriers in Telemedicine in an outpatient setting and provide recommendations in relation to patient safety (Word limit: 500 — 750) 2. Carol, a Service Manager, has been tasked to upgrade the hospital's online appointment scheduling system. A task force is assigned to her to help with the project

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Identify the Drivers Behind Competitive Advantage and Discuss How Process Design: System and Operation Management Assignment, SMU

Assignment Questions: Question1: Identify the drivers behind competitive advantage and discuss how process design and supply chain configuration can provide cost advantages. cta_question_3 Question 2: Critically analyze the relationship between capacity management and Lean Synchronisation. Your answer should include a table of benefits on the adop

Explain What are ‘Financial Markets’ and Discuss the Functions that It Serves: Investment Assignment, SMU

Question 1 (a) Explain what are ‘financial markets’ and discuss the functions that it serves. (b) Describe the differences between the Money market and Capital market. (c) Define “hedging” and explain its purpose. Question 2 (a) An investor purchased a share of Northern Ltd on 1 Jan 2016 and held the investment until 31 December 2019. Det

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How do Communication and Language Development in Young Children: Communication Assignment, SMU

Assignment Question: How do communication and language development in young children and how does this relate to meaning-making? Critically discuss relevant theories, research, and concepts, and consider the implications for Early Years practice. cta_question_3 Criteria for Assessment: Evidence of a critical understanding of theory and practi

Evaluate the Role IT Systems Such as MRP and ERP have Upon an Organization’s: System and Operation Management Assignment, SMU

Assignment Questions: Question One Evaluate the role IT systems such as MRP and ERP have upon an organization’s operations and analyze how these systems interact with strategic planning. cta_question_1 Question Two Apply Hayes and Wheelwright’s (1984) model to an organization you are familiar with and critically analyze the benefits the model

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French Sporting Goods Retailer Decathlon has more than 1,500 Stores: Supply Chain Management (SCM) Assignment, SMU

Question 1 French sporting goods retailer Decathlon has more than 1,500 stores worldwide. Last year, Decathlon opened its first stores in Japan and Vietnam, a superstore in the United States, a retail park in Poland, and a megastore in Singapore. cta_question_3 In its expansion, it has to consistently keep up with customers’ expectations and c

You are the Coach for a Youth Team Preparing for the ASEAN School Games: Managing Developmental Athletes and Teams Assignment, SMU

Question 1 You are the coach for a youth team preparing for the ASEAN School Games scheduled for November 2020. When Singapore entered the Covid-19 Circuit Breaker in April 2020, all sports venues were closed and group training came to a halt. Describe and explain how you woulfd develop a micro-cycle training program to help your youth athletes mai

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