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This assessment is an individual assessment and is worth 20 marks. One of your tasks as advisers is to provide advice quickly and within a limited time frame when requested by the client (assessment task 1) The other task consists of where a client comes to you and wants more detailed advice on a range of issues that you may have studied as well
GROUP-BASED ASSIGNMENT (GBA) This assignment is worth 20% of the final mark for BUS353 Project Management. The cut-off date for this assignment is 02 March 2025, 2355hrs. This is a group-based assignment. You should form a group of 4 members from your seminar group. Each group is required to upload a single report via your respective seminar gro
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GROUP CASE STUDY (GSC01) This assignment is worth 14% of the final mark for BPM101 Interdisciplinary Studies in Construction. The cut-off date for this assignment is 24 March 2025, 2355 hrs. Note to Students: This is a group-based assignment. You should form a group of maximum 3 members from your class to research and answer the questions in th
Question 1 40 marks Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow. Case Study 1 Anderson is a 6 year old boy in Kindergarten. He was a full-term baby delivered with no complications. Anderson’s mother reported that as a baby and toddler, he was healthy and his motor development was within normal limits for the major milestones
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TUTOR-MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) This TMA carries 40% of the course marks and is a compulsory component. It is to be done individually and not collaboratively with other students. You must submit it on time. The cut-off date for this assignment is 20 February 2025, 2355hrs. Note to Students: • It is preferable that you submit your assignment in
This is a group-based assignment. You should form a group of a maximum of SIX (6) members from your tutorial group (T/TG Group). Each group is required to upload a single report to CANVAS via your respective tutorial group. Each group will need to nominate a group leader. The responsibility of the group leader is to upload the report on behalf of
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cta_question_1 cta_question_2
TUTOR-MARKED ASSIGNMENT (TMA) This assignment is worth 20% of the final mark for CMM217 Security Operations and Administration. The cut-off date for this assignment is 25 February 2025 (Tuesday), 11.55pm. Resubmissions are allowed before this cut-off time. Note to Students: The word count for this assignment is 2,500 words. (Do not exceed or f
Looking for Plagiarism free Answers for your college/ university Assignments.
COM376e There are 2 TMAs for COM376e Strategic Social Media Management. TMA01 and TMA02 are each worth 20% of the overall assessment score. Class Participation/Discussion Board (DB) are worth 10%. Together, they constitute 50% of the final mark (the examination constitutes the other 50%). Note: To pass the course, you will need to pass both the c
TUTOR-MARKED ASSIGNMENT ONE (TMA01) This assignment is worth 10% of the final mark for BPM207 Cost Management for Architectural Works. The cut-off date for this assignment is 24 February 2025, 2355 hrs. Note to Students: You are to include the following particulars in your submission: Course Code, Title of the TMA, SUSS PI No., Your Name, and Su