Singapore University of Social Science (SUSS) Questions

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HRM331: Apigee: People Management Practices And The Challenge Of Growth: Talent Management Assignment, SUSS

Case Study Apigee: People Management Practices And The Challenge Of Growth It was another pleasant morning in October 2015 in the city of Bangalore, India when Srinivasulu Grandhi met with senior staff at the Apigee Technologies Pvt. Ltd. (Apigee) office to discuss the road ahead for the company. Apigee was doing well and had established itself in

SSC211: Appraise Why Qualitative Research is a Less Suitable Approach than Quantitative Research: Social Science Research Methods Assignment, SUSS

Assignment Overview: There are many factors that affect the competitiveness of a country. Various researchers have attempted to define competitiveness and assess those factors which they consider vital to competitiveness. Consequently, a diversity of country ranking reports on this subject matter has emerged. Since 1979, the World Economic Forum

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COU104e: John, the Supervisor, Flings Open the Door of the Meeting Room and Throws His Mobile Phone: Social And Emotional Learning Assignment, SUSS

Question 1 John, the supervisor, flings open the door of the meeting room and throws his mobile phone down on the desk. He proceeds to throw himself onto the chair and through clenched teeth, he starts to yell at one of the employees. John may be totally unaware of the emotional and behavioral impact he has caused with the outburst, but within min

BUS100: Based on Your Experiences of Running a Virtual Company in MonsoonSIM: Business Skills and Management Assignment, SUSS

Question 1 Based on your experiences of running a virtual company in MonsoonSIM or working in a company, Describe two (2) measures how you can help the company gain its market share. Discuss two (2) possible social impacts (i.e. the effect on people and communities that happens as a result of action taken) by implementing these measures. (Limit

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SFTY320: Identify a Variety of Human Factors Issues (Definitions, Risks, and Hazards): Human Factors in Aviation Safety Assignment, SUSS

Assignment 1 The goal of this assignment is to help you identify a variety of human factors issues (definitions, risks, and hazards) of relevance to aviation management (as opposed to pilots, air traffic control, maintenance engineers, etc). Examples may be taken from the available literature. Therefore, this assignment assesses Learning Outcomes

COR167e: Outer Space,” 33, and “Tight Space,” 29, have been Married for 3 years. They have a Daughter: Managing Your Personal Finances Assignment, SUSS

Case Study Wealth Grounding - Foundational Part Family Situation “Outer Space,” 33, and “Tight Space,” 29, have been married for 3 years. They have a daughter (3 years old) “Partial Space,” who suffers from cerebral palsy, a medical condition that requires her to be wheelchair-bound. Her current education is managed by the Spastic Child

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HRM233: How Might Autonomous Vehicles and the VUCA Environment Impact the Manpower: Training and Development Assignment, SUSS

Assignment Requirements How might autonomous vehicles and the VUCA environment impact the manpower needs of Comfort Delgro? In order to advise Comfort Delgro, you need to do the following: Propose changes to Comfort Delgro’s business goals that are required to address the challenges of the disruptive technology of autonomous vehicles. Informa

SCO201: Using Your Own Neighborhood, Where You are Currently Residing, as a Case Study: Space, Place, People and the City Assignment, SUSS

Assignment Brief: Question 1 Using your own neighborhood, where you are currently residing, as a case study, present analysis in the form of an academic poster. The following are the expected components on which this assignment will be marked: Describe the neighborhood and its context: the current situation around it and the historical backgrou

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MTH219: In the Endemic Phase of a Virus Spread, Testers are Employed to Carry Out Random Testing: Fundamentals of Statistics and Probability Assignment, SUSS

Assignment Brief: In the endemic phase of a virus spread, testers are employed to carry out random testing in a community of 400,000 people. There are a total of 8 testers, each tasked to test 20 persons per day randomly selected from the community, over a duration of 90 days. There is no repeated testing of any individual. The number of persons w

FMT307: As a Singapore Certified Energy Manager (SCEM), You are Required to Conduct: Energy Management & Audit Assignment, SUSS

Question 1 As a Singapore Certified Energy Manager (SCEM), you are required to conduct research on energy conservation. This approach is to better understand the current situation and activities in the local context. Your target participants are building owners, facilities managers, energy service companies, and public sector energy consumers. Yo

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