Teesside University (TU) Questions

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One of the key aims to provide opportunity to gain hands-on practical experience of dynamical response of mechanical systems to externally applied load: Dynamics and Vibration Report, TU

ICA Brief & Laboratory Manual Lab experiment: Torsional Oscillations of a Rotary system Assignment Brief Overview One of the key aims of the Dynamic and Vibration module is to provide students with the opportunity to gain hands-on practical experience of dynamical response of mechanical systems to externally applied load. The type and magni

You should analyze the given systems focusing on the security aspects and Your work will consist not only in identifying existing vulnerabilities: Security Analyst Assignment, TU

Task You should analyze the given systems focusing on the security aspects. Your work will consist not only in identifying existing vulnerabilities and misconfigurations but also in making an earnest effort to practically demonstrate how such vulnerabilities can be exploited. The report is intended for a technically knowledgeable audience, but it

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MMD3040-N: According to certain engineering standards, a ring gasket is required to have around 0.2mm of permanent deformation so that flange can be sealed tightly: Computer Aided Analysis Assignment, TU

According to certain engineering standards, a ring gasket is required to have around 0.2mm of permanent deformation so that flange can be sealed tightly. As an engineer, you are required to determine the appropriate pressure level to be applied to the ring gasket. The geometry of the gasket can be modeled as octagonal toroidal. It is noted that t

A runaway chemical reaction occurred at Bayer CropScience facility in Institute, West Virginia on 28th August 2008 at about 2235hr: Bayer CropScience Incident Assignment

A runaway chemical reaction occurred at Bayer CropScience facility in Institute, West Virginia on 28th August 2008 at about 2235hr. The runaway reaction took place in a pressure vessel of the ethomyl unit, known as a residue treater, causing the vessel to explode violently spraying highly flammable solvent from the vessel that was immediately ignit

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COM3065:Critically Evaluate a data Governance Implementation plan Created for a Specified Business :Advanced Security Techniques Assignment, TU

Personal & Transferable Skills 1. Critically evaluate a data governance implementation plan created for a specified business need and reflect on any potential changes and improvements (PT2) 2. Communicate effectively and professionally in order to present arguments clearly (PT3) 3. Demonstrate a comprehensive and detailed knowledge of the goals

CIS3004-N: The Project module is Based on the British Computer Society (BCS)Guidelines and Gives Students the Opportunity to Demonstrate: Computing Project Proposal, TU

Overview This document is a guide for computing Project modules (40 credits) taken by the final year undergraduate students on the programs in the School of Computing, Engineering, and Digital Technologies. It has been produced to answer some of the questions students ask and to provide detailed information about certain aspects of the project proc

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A Not-for-Profit Organisation Working in the Area of Protection of Human Rights: Ethical Hacking Assignment, TU

Scenario A not-for-profit organisation working in the area of protection of human rights asks you to plan, execute, and document an ethical hack against their systems in order to assess their security. Moreover, based on your findings, you are required to provide advice on how to improve the security of the system. The organization periodically re

You are Required to Design and Build an Internet-Connected Secure Server Network for Smith Logistics: Server Administration Assignment, TU

1. Introduction Your assessment is “Design and Implementation of a Secure Server Network”. You are required to write a report to explain your work. In this assessment, you are expected to work individually. You are required to design and build an internet-connected secure server network for Smith Logistics, which is a medium-size warehouse and

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