Temasek Polytechnic (TP) Questions

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STA2212E: A random sample of 200 customers was asked about their preferred brand of 3-in-1 instant coffee as follows.: Analytics For Business, Individual Assignment, TP

Question 3 A random sample of 200 customers was asked about their preferred brand of 3-in-1 instant coffee as follows. Test whether there is an association between gender and the preferred brand of 3-in-1 instant coffee. Use 5% significance level. cta_question_3

STA2212E: A factory manager wishes to investigate whether a new processing methods is effective in reducing: Analytics For Business, Individual Assignment, TP

Question 2 A factory manager wishes to investigate whether a new processing methods is effective in reducing the time taken by the workers to complete a task. He randomly chose 10 workers to try the new processing methods. The table below shows the time taken by the 10 workers to complete the same task using the old and new processing methods. A

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STA2212E: The manager of a bank wishes to compare the waiting time of customers during the noon to 1pm lunch period: Analytics For Business, Individual Assignment, TP

Question 1 The manager of a bank wishes to compare the waiting time of customers during the noon to 1pm lunch period. The table below shows the waiting time (in minutes) of random samples of customers from two different branches of the bank, branch A and branch B. The population standard deviation of waiting time for Branch A and Branch B are kn

STA2212E: Analytics For Business, Individual Assignment, TP

Instructions:  You need to type all your solutions using Microsoft Word. All analysis needs to be done with Microsoft Excel. You need to copy the Excel output and paste it into Microsoft Word (You DO NOT have to explain how/steps in getting the Excel output)  You need to name your Microsoft Word file as IndividualAssignment_YourName.docx

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Students are assigned to provide security design recommendations for an IT company’s new 4 storey building located at Aljunied Central: Security Planning And Design (SP&D), Individual Project Assignment, TP

1 This project is an individual 2 Students are assigned to provide security design recommendations for an IT company’s new 4 storey building located at Aljunied Central. 3 A written report submission of minimum 2500 words is required. 4 A project assignment is upon 100 marks (weightage is 60%) as part of overall assessment of this subject. 5

BCBT016: To provide an opportunity for students to apply their skills on analyzing and presenting numeric data using basic and advanced features of MS EXCEL 365: Business IT & Data Analytics, Assignment, TP

OBJECTIVES The objectives of this project assignment are: To provide an opportunity for students to apply their skills on analysing and presenting numeric data using basic and advanced features of MS EXCEL 365. Use data tools such as Excel pivots and charts for data analysis. To showcase creativity and initiative in self-exploration of the M

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The project requires students to prepare a security plan based on the current security environment for a proposed development: Physical Security, Project: Individual Assignment, TP

1. The project requires students to prepare a security plan based on the current security environment for a proposed development. 2. A description of the proposed development is attached - See Annexe A. 3. Two sessions have been allocated for this security project. In the first session, students will be briefed on the project requirements. The seco

Diploma in Business Administration: Organizational Behaviour, Assignment, TP

1. Project Outline  This assignment constitutes 40% of the overall assessment for the subject. The assignment covers topics on organizational behaviour. It is designed to give you chance of applying the knowledge attained in the topics above on real life.  2. Requirements   a) This assignment requires you to include: 2000-2500 words.  b) Afte

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BHT3029: After your group has met with your client and gained a better understanding of client’s background and expectations, you and your team members will review the problem statement and further scope it to a doable level. Determine the SMART goals and any other research needed: Major Project Assignment, TP

Overview: After your group has met with your client and gained a better understanding of client’s background and expectations, you and your team members will review the problem statement and further scope it to a doable level. Determine the SMART goals and any other research needed. Once there is a group’s problem statement and some clarity, y

A detailed and viable Fire Incident Management Plan is to be developed covering the following areas: Security Management Case Study, TP

PROJECT – GROUP ASSIGNMENT A detailed and viable Fire Incident Management Plan is to be developed covering the following areas: Purpose Objectives The Company Strategy in Minimizing Risks of and Dealing with Fire Incident. Detailed Preventive Measures Detailed Fire Incident Management Respond Plan Actions to be taken on receipt of

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