University of Birmingham (UoB) Questions

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MKT6001: Produce a Report to Explain How Relationship Marketing can Help Morrison Retain Customers: Relationship Marketing Assignment, UoB

Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment: Discuss the conceptual underpinning for relationship marketing. Apply relationship marketing models and concepts to analyse a specific organisation’s suitability for the adoption of relationship marketing approaches. cta_question_1 Following the recent launch of the “

MAN6006: Kurt Lewin Proposed that “There is Nothing So Practical as a Good Theory”: The Real World of Management Assignment, UoB

Learning outcomes and pass attainment level: Module Learning Outcomes Evaluate the significance, strengths, and limitations of theory in a real-world context Apply appropriate research approaches, tools, and techniques to academic/ organisational contexts Critically evaluate the role of managers as researchers Draw on research, experience

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You are Required to Choose a Contemporary Social Issue: Social Marketing Assignment, UoB

Assignment Brief You are required to choose a contemporary social issue on which to base your assignment. This issue should already be the subject of social marketing campaigns and interventions and maybe within any relevant social marketing context where there is already a clear emphasis on achieving behavioral change for both individual and soc

You are Advised to Take Plenty of Time to Research a Number of Potential Social Marketing Issues: Social Marketing Assignment, UoB

Assignment Brief: You are required to choose a contemporary social issue on which to base your assignment. This issue should already be the subject of social marketing campaigns and interventions and maybe within any relevant social marketing context where there is already a clear emphasis on achieving behavioral change for both individual and so

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MKT6017 : You are an Account Manager for a Leading Advertising Agency. Following Your Analysis of Their Current: Contemporary Advertising Assignment, UoB

Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes and assessment criteria specific to this assignment: Critically evaluate the strategies used by organizations in advertising campaigns and create artifacts for a variety of media platforms in response to creative advertising Prepare and deliver an effective contemporary advertising pitch presentation to a

Propose Research Method using Quantitative Method by Conducting Questionnaires and In Sampling Method: Construction Management Assignment, UoB

Relative importance of factors causing delays in construction projects in Singapore Abstract Purpose: This research proposes to identify, categorize and rank the factors that are most responsible for delays in construction projects in Singapore. Delays in construction projects can be costly, involve litigation, reduce the profitability of contracto

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Using Theory, Critically Reflect on the Role of Consumers in Modern Slavery: Social Marketing and Societal Issues Essay, UoB

Topic of essay: Using theory, critically reflect on the role of consumers in modern slavery. Discuss its key features and how you can create a social marketing campaign to make consumers in Singapore aware of the problems. Assessment criteria for the assignment: Critical insight into the role of consumers in modern slavery. Use theory (with cor

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