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Task 5 – Evaluation of Energy Consumption & performance in the 2DOF helicopter control system. 25) Implement both the pitch 1DoF model system and the given yaw controller system to control the full 2DOF helicopter, see Figure 6. Note that the controller 𝐾2(𝑠) will be given and the controller 𝐾1(𝑠) will be the one calculated in th
Task 4 – Evaluation of Control System 19) Improve the initial or inferior controller by tuning the controller using heuristic techniques. 20) Create a table to report all the iterations by means of comparing against the design specifications. 21) Illustrate the evolution of design iterations using the step response (time domain analysis). 22)
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Task 3 – Root Locus Approach: Based on the design specification design a controller using classical control techniques for the closed-loop control system depicted in Figure 5: 10) Design a controller to derive desired properties in the output response. Determine what kind of controller is necessary: Proportional, Proportional-Integral (PI) or Pr
Task 2 – Transfer function and State-space representation. Using the models from task 1, analyse the open-loop system response of the pitch angle: Figure 4: Transfer Function of the Pitch Angle Model. 3) Show how the open-loop system response to a step input of 2 volts. 4) Would the open-loop response satisfy the design specifications? 5) Exp
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Task 1 – Modelling and Transfer function representation of the system. 1) Starting from the free body diagram of the 2DOF helicopter system derive the equations of motion (EOM) Eq. 1 and Eq. 2. Assume small angle approximation to derive the EOM. Explain with mathematical evidence the implication of the small angle approximation (e.g., linearity).
Project Scope In this project you will be exposed to implement control synthesis methods using computer simulation. Starting from a pitch dynamic model, you will get to: 1) Analyse the 1DoF model of the system (plant) and its open-loop response to an impulse and step input. Describe the steady state and dynamic responses of systems in the time d
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Part B: Structural behaviour 1) Use Matrix analysis method and STAAD. PRO to determine internal force diagrams (bending moments, shear and axial forces), reaction forces and sway (horizontal displacement of beam) of the following four systems: B.1 uniform frame and offset load (Figure 2) B.2 nonuniform frame and offset load (Figure 3) B.3 nonunifo
Objectives: Understand understanding of structural behaviour, Understand the differences in numerical, analytical results. Part A: shown in Figure 1. Use the Matrix analysis method to anal Matrix analysis method Consider the following structural systemyse the structural response of the portal frame. E=4500ksi, I=3500in4, Possion Ratio=0.1 and
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Tasks Requirements AMY Networks is a consultancy business that designs, installs and operates different wireless and wired networks for enterprises and research organisations. As one of their project leaders, you have been asked to respond to an ITT (Invitation to Tender) for this network design (see last section of this document). The network
PESTLE Analysis this is a PESTLE analysis for the industry and not about the Company (BP). You can conclude by identifying which of the factors in your analysis most affect the Company. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis this analysis should be on your chosen SBU industry such as downstream. Apply the analysis to the SBU industry and determine for ea