What is Australia’s Social and Cultural Relationship with Bushfires: Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development Essay, UoN, Singapore

University The University of Newcastle (UoN)
Subject Disaster Resilience and Sustainable Development

Essay Questions


  • Each of the topics below requires discipline-specific research into a disaster. The intention is to allow students to specialize in both a case and disciplinary approach to disaster. You will need to present an argument for how this disciplinary approach advances understanding of this particular disaster, and demonstrate an understanding of the strengths and limits of this approach to disaster research.
  • The set readings for each topic are compulsory and intended to get you started, but they are not sufficient to complete this task – you will need to find additional scholarly sources independently.
  • You are encouraged to use primary sources but this is not compulsory as depending on your topic, you might find it difficult to locate primary sources. If you’re unsure what counts as a primary source and how to use it, view the library’s Research Skills Moodle lesson or contact your tutor.


Fire in Australia: A literary studies approach disaster

Essay Question:

What is Australia’s social and cultural relationship with bushfires? Drawing from literary texts as well as cultural commentary, discuss how fire has both paradoxically disastrously disrupted Australian life as well as becoming a routine part of it.

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