Write Python code in cellsim.py, which simulates the growth and death of a population of cells: Python Assignment, HU, Singapore

University Harvard University (HU)
Subject Python

Write Python code in cellsim.py, which simulates the growth and death of a population of cells. Your code should be importable into another Python script. However, your code, cellsim.py, can import only the modules that are listed above.

Write three classes: Tissue, Cell, and Cancer. Tissue is represented as a two-dimensional grid with a specified number of rows and columns. Each location on the grid should represent a cell of type Cell, Cancer, or any other cell type that we’d define. Each cell is either in a state of being alive or dead. Healthy cells of type Cell that are alive are represented with the character ‘O’ while cancerous cells of type Cancer that are alive are represented with the character ‘X’.

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