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Updated on: 16th Mar 2021

Abecedarian Approach in Early Childhood Education

In this sample essay, we shall be discussing the topic of the “Abecedarian Approach in Early Childhood Education”. The abecedarian approach is a noble way to help children at disadvantage with their education. Adding to this, this type of intervention follows a few principles and strategies to provide the best help possible to needy children. As such we will be looking at different aspects of the topics.

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We shall discuss the following topics in our sample essay: What is the abecedarian approach?, principles of the abecedarian approach, strategies of the abecedarian, And Abecedarian intervention services in Singapore. We shall be discussing each of these in detail in order to provide a clear picture of the concept as well as helping readers understand the topic better.

What is the abecedarian approach?

The abecedarian approach refers to methods of teaching using various strategies aimed at improving the development during early childhood as well as academic achievement of children in later years coming from poor or under-resourced families.

Moreover, the Abecedarian approach provides support for children to catch up to the expected level as well as provides a head start in school involving factors that we will be discussing later in the sample essay. Adding to this, the approach supports the development of various aspects including social-emotional as well cognitive aspects of children falling under the age of five.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the strategies help decrease the issues with cognitive development which is common in children of this category. On top of this majority of children receiving abecedarian intervention are seen to have a normal cognitive range. On the other hand, those who do not receive this intervention are observed to fall below the normal cognitive range.

Moving on, the Abecedarian approach works based on few principles. We will be looking at this principle and strategies later on in the sample essay.

Principles of abecedarian approach

In this section of the sample essay, we shall be looking at the various principle of the abecedarian approach. To be specific there are four principles of the abecedarian approach. Moreover, each of these principles focuses on different aspects of helping underprivileged children in early education. Moving on, we shall be looking at the following principles in this section:

  • Language priority
  • Conversational reading
  • Enriched caregiving
  • Learning games

We shall be discussing them in brief below:

Language Priority

The approach prioritizes language development, as language is a proven fundamental skill in early learning periods. Moreover, it helps children with organizing their thoughts and expresses themselves better. Language enables children to successfully interact with their peers as well as parents or teachers.

In addition, this principle utilizes 3N’s strategy means Notice, Nudge, Narrate which we will be looking at in detail later on.

Conversational Reading

According to the abecedarian approach, children should be involved in reading actively. Definition of conversational reading says that it is reading of dialogues back and forth between a person and their children.

Moreover, one does not needs to follow every word mentioned in conversational reading text. Rather you can request your children to read something that is not in the book. Furthermore, the conversational reading may happen anywhere or anytime. Nevertheless, conversational reading uses the 3’S strategy: See, Show, Say. We will be looking at this strategy along with others later in the paragraph.

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Enriched Caregiving

This principle involves the elements of care, emotions, as well as learning. Moreover, the Abecedarian approach says that every moment of life is a moment of learning. Therefore, from the time a child wakes up to that the time he goes to bed and also all the activates in between are opportunities for learning.

So older should add learning in these activates for better learning. The principles promote caregivers to be creative and other fun ways to do so.

Learning Games

Learning games as the name implies refer to playful activates that involving the children and caregivers. Moreover, according to the Abecedarian approach the level of games increases as the child grows up. This adds up to the overall cognitive development of children.

Strategies of abecedarian

As we read above, the Abecedarian approach and activates involved in it use some strategies. We read about these strategies in the above section. Nevertheless, we shall be discussing them in brief in this section.

Moving on these strategies are as mentioned below:

  • The 3 N’s strategy: Notice, Nudge, Narrate
  • The 3’S strategy: See, Show, Say.
  • The 3’C strategy: Care, connection, content.

Abecedarian intervention services in Singapore

As we know, the education system of Singapore is one of the best in the world and abecedarian intervention is also a part of it. Moreover, there are several organizations or schools which provide this type of intervention services. Some of these are as mentioned below:

  • Presbyterian Community Services
  • NTUC My First School
  • PCF Sparkletots
  • Persatuan Pemudi Islam Singapura (PPIS)

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